I like to have warning of when someone in my family is about to come home. Usually this warning consists of a noise. So i listen.
When we had a driveway, i knew the sound of The Mister's car, then the garage door opening. Now it's the faint whine of an elevator i am listening for. If it's a long lasting whine, then it's likely to be him, as we live near the top of the building.
I like to have warning so that i won't be caught doing ........ nothing. I feel guilty doing nothing. I feel like i will be judged for doing nothing. Although when i am doing nothing is when i am thinking. Which appears to the casual observer to be a lot like doing nothing.
To be clear, The Mister has never, ever criticized me for doing nothing, even when it would have been justified, so the difficulty lies in my own head.
Picture from our hike to Mt. Baker this weekend, photographed by The Mister.
Sometimes i fail to listen and get caught