It's hot enough here that i have retreated outside to a lawn chair in the shade. I know other places are hotter, but most people here do not have air conditioning, so 100 degrees F is pretty F-ing hot.
I don't spend much time sitting outside in our yard. I realize that this is sad because as i sit here, quietly reading, the wildlife that i normally miss because i am blundering around carrying a hose or a shovel, has forgotten i am here.
A bunny hopped right by me, about a foot from my chair. (Good thing my cat is too hot too move, as he likes bunnies.) Normally i squeal when i see a bunny, but this time i managed to just watch him hopple by, nipping at the grass as he went.
Off to my left, several birds are cooling off by splashing in the creek.
The douglas firs have a whole tiny forest growing on their trunks.
An opportunistic bit of grass and a baby maple tree are the first signs of a tree trunk reverting to soil.
In the lawn, an bright orange bug sits on a white mushroom.