Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Thinking of you....

Urban-urchin has asked me to tell you about 5 blogs that make me think, other than hers i mean.

I have been chewing on this for a few days and i am finding it stressful. All of the blogs i read make me think in some ways. It turns out that i like blogs that are more subtle with the making me think. That way it doesn't seem like work. I am also uncomfortable singling out only 5 blogs. I currently have almost 80 blogs in my google reader. Some will stay there forever, some i am merely sampling.

So, in no particular order:

patches at clawless~balless: This one is ostensibly written by a cat. A cat with keen powers of observation and a wicked sense of humor. Oh, and the cat is an excellent artist too.

joan of arf :The last time i cried in earnest while reading a post was a few days ago while looking at a picture of a puppy on her blog who had been thrown out of a moving car. Joan does dog rescue, and she's often funny too, just not this time.

maggie at mind moss: Maggie is a friend whom i have never met. She is a poet and a writer and is able to express herself such that i really get her. Kind of an every woman with eloquence.

esereth at to throw away a button: Esereth exposes herself to us through her writing. She asks questions and tells stories that sometimes make me smile and sometimes let me feel the despair she feels. No subject is off limits. I respect that.

biscotti at diary of a panhedonist: I started reading this blog a long time ago while hitting next blog button in the tool bar. I don't even know if i like this woman, and i get the feeling that she wouldn't care. Her writing is brutally, devastatingly, overwhelmingly honest. She's also the only blogger that i truly feel writes solely for herself. I am in awe of her. She wrote a post about a month ago that i am still thinking about concerning finding a home snuggling with the body of a loved one. It's not what you are thinking either.

You know there are many more. I left off the obvious ones of Jen and Chani and amusing and de and josephine and bob, who gently reminds me to not be such a sexist and .... Sorry, i am all linked out.

You see how it is? All the blogs i read provide something to me, as i am not shy about quitting reading if it feels like a chore.


Bob said...

no one ever accused me of being subtle.

Anonymous said...

I have come across many good reads, via your blog. thank you for that. :)

Bobealia... said...

I love you lots - does that count?

meno said...

bob, yeah, i never get called that either. :)

holly, oh you are welcome. You are my go-to place for cute cat pictures. Which i adore.

bo, it counts the most!

jaded said...

I'm flattered. I don't think I've ever been in such excellent company before.

I've been siphoning links from your blog since I started reading. You hve excelent taste. Your own posts often remind of things that I forget to notice, but best of all, they remind me to think.

Girlplustwo said...

you know, i have a secret crush on esereth...i read her daily but don't often comment - (hi esereth!)

she moves me all the time. glad to have some new reads as well.

you thinker, you.

QT said...

I read about a dozen blogs that I don't comment on - I guess you could call that the trial period? It does get hard to winnow it down to just a few, too, especially when you go to different blogs for different types of info/entertainment/intellectual stimulation.

meno said...

patches, why, thank you. Mew?

jen, she is fearless. It's awesome.

qt, exactly what you have said. I only read a few that i don't ever comment upon. The rest i read all the time, even if i don't comment on every post.

Special K ~Toni said...

I was next on the list, right??? Thanks for telling us about these, will check them out- I'm different, I like blogs that make me laugh. Thinking is overrated!

Dick said...

I don't think I could make up a list like that. There are a couple of blogs that I don't get to as often as I'd like because I always spend too much time there reading & often anymore don't have enough time to spend that way. Maybe by summer my life will slow down a bit.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Great list. There's only on I haven't read, and will have to check out.

Joan said...

Thanks for the leads to other thought provoking blogs. One I'm familiar with and I'm on my way to checking out the other four.

Imez said...

Your on my top THREE list, meno dearest.

Sonia Wetzel Photography said...

Dangit. Not shy about quitting if it feels like a chore? And I just made you come up with a password and stuff, just to get to me. That doesn't bode well for me.....

Anonymous said...

Way back when, when I took the Meyer-Briggs test, I always came up a "thinker." But I'm skeptical. I may be much more of a "feeler" than I admit.

I've moved (though there's nothing there yet...) to

karmic said...

Thank you for telling me about some nice blogs that I have been missing. :)

Lynnea said...

Thank you Meno. When you used the word friend, well it made my heart skip a beat. I have so few of them you see and I have long considered you a friend I have not met also. In fact, not to be too gushy (ahem, Paula Abdul moment coming here) but if it weren't for connecting with you, there was a time that I might have slipped into my shell irrevocably. In any event, the thought provoking is certainly a two way street. Man I can go on and on can't I?

AC said...

I guess thanks are in order. I was just about to set myself a 1 hour timer for blog reading, now I'm thinking a second hour will be required.

But what a fine couple of hours that will be!

meno said...

toni, you, and several others, were next on the list. :) I just got tired of linking. I agree about the thinking.

dick, it was hard and i didn't like it. It's like asking which of your children is your favorite. They all are, for different reasons. I don't think your life will slow down much, you'll probably be galavanting around the country all summer.

nancy, thanks! Did you know that you are going to be the first blogger that i meet?

joan, have fun, these are all great in different ways.

esereth, thanks for that. :)

ddm, i sent you an e-mail. I have no problem with the password stuff as my computer takes care of it for me.

de, i read somewhere that you were quitting. It's a relief to know you are just moving. I will update my sidebar link soon.

sanjay, i know you read some of them, but have fun at the rest.

maggie, that's sweet. I don't mind gushing, as long as it's sincere. I love you too! Feel free to go on as long as you like.

ac, and you really want to THANK me for that? :) Have fun.

thailandchani said...

Thanks for the new recommends. It's always a pleasure to "meet" some new blogs.

And thanks for the mention as well. I value your perspectives, probably more than you know. :)



Anonymous said...

i am not shy about quitting reading if it feels like a chore.

This sound nearly metaphorical in terms of Life in general. Good practice, in all things.

I, too, have found many lovely reads via your pages. Mostly your comments, to be honest. Your little community here is good people.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the rescued dog. Oh, dear. Now I want to go out and rescue dogs.

Thanks for the list. I am going to go do some more blog hopping.

Liv said...

I'll be intrigued to get reading some of your picks. Sometimes I just meander down your sidebar and see what happens. It's interesting who we feel an affinity towards reading...

Princess in Galoshes said...

Oooh, I was just looking to expand my reading repitoire! Good timing, those are some great links!

meno said...

chani, i guess we'll be blog reading full time huh? Thank you for the compliment. :)

jennifer, yes you are good people. (and that's a y'all there.)

ortizzle, doesn't that just tear your heart out? I really wish my mutant power to kill people with my mind was working. I's so go after the assholes who did that.

liv, i need to update my sidebar. It's been a while. But i'm glad you've found some fun stuff.

princess, looking to expand your reding huh? You must be underemployed :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Schmoop and I are looking forward to it. I'm already picking out what I'm going to wear. *s*

amusing said...

Crikey. I am trying to be so disciplined about getting work done and now you tempt me with fabulous new blogs to read.

sigh. May. In May I turn back into human form.

Anonymous said...

I love link blogs - it's interesting to me to see who my favorite reads favorite reads are. I very often click on commentors who interest me, just to see what their blogs are about, but that's not as special as being pointed out as a favorite.

I've got to say that you're brave for writing a post like this. I've done it before, too, but always felt bad that I didn't include everyone I read and worried that I'd hurt feelings. Very high school, I know, but I'm sensitive like that.

Mignon said...

Excellent choices, Meno. Although I'm not entirely comfortable sharing Esereth.

Anonymous said... we take turns wanking each other off or just dive in?

80 blogs? Jesus...reading my own is more than enough.

Anonymous said...

That was Lazy btw.

meno said...

nancy, i will be seeking out my finest jeans and zorries for this event.

amusing, so sorry. School cutting into your blogging time? :)

mrs.chili, i won't do it again because of the reasons you've said. A little too high school for me too. But someone asked me and i am so obedient.

mignon, oddly enough, i know what you mean.

lazy, wow, that felt mean.

luckyzmom said...

Whew....I just finished reading panhedonists entire blog. I checked it out and quickly became hooked. It was very difficult, but fascinating and gripping.

Thank you

I am going to have to take a nap now!

meno said...

luckyzmom, i know, it's just so nakedly honest that it's irresistable. There is no community, she is just writing out her soul out there. It is difficult, but i don't want to stop reading.

Andrea Frazer said...

I'm exhausted just reading what you read about.

luckyzmom said...

Now I have just begun reading esereth and am once again hooked totally by your recommendation. How do you find these fascinating reads? Please don't leave me!!!!!