Sunday, July 08, 2007

Hiking yesterday

Fields of bear grass:

Bear grass looks like fireworks to me:

Yes, that's me, wearing my Mao hat:
Mount Rainier:

Ka BOOM. Can you see them starting to explode?

Wish you had been with us.

All photos by the Mister.


shara said...

The bear grass is gorgeous, and you're quite lovely too. It looks like it was a beautiful clear day, and compliments to the Mister - the pictures are poems. (I would have named it ballerina grass, though, it looks like tutus to me. Why is is bear grass? I'll have to go look it up now. I wonder if it would grow in my yard..)

SUEB0B said...

Oh wow. I wish I had been with you as well.

jaded said...

I wish I had been with you too. The view of my anal retentive neighbor cutting his lawn in an effort to appease his vacation induced hangover can't compare to fields of bear grass.

Girlplustwo said...

gorgeous. the upside down flowers and mushrooms climbing up a tree. and you, ha, Meno! beautiful meno.

meno said...

shara, it's called bear grass because bears like to eat the grass from which this flowers springs. The field of them was a glorious sight.

suebob. well c'mon up. It's not that far.

patches, you know too much about this neighbor, methinks.

jen, it was gorgeous. And she looks like a crabby old lady to me.

Bob said...

I wish I had been there too. it's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I DO wish I'd been there. I'd have brought snickerdoodles.

Andrea Frazer said...

OH MY GOD - You really do exist! I had all this backstory about you swirling in my head. I'll share my top 3:

1. You were a burn victim who never wanted to show your face because people might interpret you differently - with sympathy or whatnot. Blogging was your venue to shine without any judgement attached.

2. You were actually a dude making up characters and brilliant stories and were going to write a huge book with it one day.

3. I actually don't have a 3. I clearly need to get a life.

Carolie said...


Crazed Nitwit said...

I live in SE King County and I have never ever seen bear grass. Is it only in one place?

Lovely pictures of a lovely day. :)

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the difference it would make in my life to live somewhere with such scenic beauty.

You don't look crabby. I see that impish eyebrow.

jaded said...

Can't help it , meno, the dude likes to share.

People confess things to me. I think it's the big pointy ears.

Anonymous said...

That is some crazy ass grass. We ain't got nuthin like that round heah.

Nice to see you! I think everyone should post photos of themselves once a month. My edict. And so it shall be done. Stop ignoring me, I said it was an edict. Which means you have to do it.

Liv said...

What a beautiful day--and a glimpse of the elusive and gorgeous Meno! Fantastic, fantastic I say!

meno said...

bob, i'll take you there, should you ever venture this way in the summer. In the winter this is covered in snow.

nancy, Hell, for snickerdoodles i might carry you up there.

mamap, Ha ha. You are funny. 1) i really am a man, can't you tell by the picture? 2) That isn't really me, it's a picture of some random chick who was hiking with my husband. 3) Looks to me like you are the one who should be writing a book. :)

carolie, come on, let's go. It's only a 9 hour plane ride for you. :)

janice, i have seen it all over around here, up in the mountains that is. This is one of the hikes along the I-90 corridor, Mount Defiance.

de, we are lucky to live somewhere so beautiful. Impish huh? If we ever meet i'll do my elf face for you.

patches, i sometimes get that too. That's why the word "overshare" are a big part of my vocabulary.

capacious, Queen Anne says it, she must be obeyed. Please don't have me flogged, again.

liv, come on you wimpy yoga guru, i'll show you some real exercise! (Confession, i took a yoga class once, kicked my ass, which means i should do it again.)

Mother of Invention said...

Looks neat! I've never seen bear grass but I think I saw Mt. Rainier from BC on one of the Canadian Gulf Islands, Salt Spring.
You have the poles and everything!

Anonymous said...

It looks lovely, wish I could have been there. The pictures made me take a deep breathe and I felt my shoulders relax.

Em said...

Excellent photos...just what I needed during my lunch break to remember there is a world beyond this office!

Joan said...

Thanks to your awesome photos, I feel like I was right next to you soaking in all the beauty!

Princess in Galoshes said...

Oh, wow. That's beautiful. I really need to get out and hike, again, this summer. I miss it. Thanks for the inspiration!

meno said...

moi, The poles are for my old knees. They really help going downhill. Mount Rainier is visible from a long way away.

deb, guess you needed a few moments to "go to your happy place."

em, the Mister is a good photographer, yes?

joan, i feel all relaxed and mountain-womany this morning.

princess, Colorado has some FANTASTIC hiking. I want you to bag some fourteeners for me.

TTQ said...

Breathtaking. I want to sing from the hills with braids in my hair and clothes made from drapes.

Seriously wow.

sari said...

Those photos left me ready to start my (hotter than you know what) day here feeling refreshed!!

thailandchani said...

It was beautiful! You look great... and those day lillies!



QT said...

Thanks for sharing your hike - what a gorgeous day. Little do non-residents know that sometimes "the mountain" likes to hide.

Also, it was nice to get a little peek at you.

You have no idea how tempted I was to write "peak", but I just couldnt do it.

Mrs. Chili said...

Wowie. I'm not a "nature girl" by any stretch of the imagination, but your photos are gorgeous. It's been rainy and cold in New England lately; the sight of clear blue sky was welcomed. Thanks

flutter said...

oooh. me too.

luckyzmom said...

Fabulous pictures. Thanks for sharing. Tomorrow my husband and I are joining a group from his work at Lake Tahoe to ride horses for two hours! I am so in love with Tahoe and look forward to the scenery. I haven't riden a horse for ten years, give or take, am not in the best physical shape, give or take, but I hope to take lots of pictures that I can share.

meno said...

ttq, the Hills are alivvvvvve, with the sound of muuuusic. I'm with you on that!

sari, i have been hearing about your weather on the news. It's just too f'ing hot to even go outside for you.

chani, those are called Columbia Tiger Lilies. Aren't they sweet? there were also lots of Indian Paintbrush and nascent blueberries.

qt, no peaking for me huh? Sad that. :)

mrs.chili, i have become more of a nature girl as i age. But i refuse to sleep in a tent. Day hikes only for me sister, i want a shower and a real bed at the end of the day.

flutter, you woulda loved it.

luckyzmom, Tahoe is spectacular! But horses scare me. I look forward to your pictures.

Lynnea said...

Aha! A preliminary peek at the face I am about to meet. Yeah!

I wish I was there too. What a great view of Mt. Rainier. She hides behind clouds so often we can forget what a beauty she is.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and subjects. Love the Mao hat. All you need now is a Nehru jacket and maybe some Doc Martens 30 eyelets boots and you'd be the United Nations.

Gods I envy you all that beautiful landscape that isn't a) flat, b) ends suddenly in a swamp or bayou or c) both.

Lynn said...

Wow, I am envious. We are going camping this weekend. Hopefully, I will be able to get some good pictures to post. What are those things on the side of the tree?

Special K ~Toni said...

Great photos! And what a treat that we finally get to see you! :)

Schmoopie said...

Those flowers look familiar! The Mister is a good photographer. You need to kick my ass and do another hike with me soon. Maybe a hike for wimps this time? ;) I am free Sat. morning or some other time in the near future!

urban-urchin said...

what gorgeous pictures! I love your hat and impish smirk!

meno said...

maggie, yeppers, that's me. I wish you didn't live so far away.....

irrelephant, there is beauty where you live too, just of a different sort. 30 eyelet boots? It would take me 30 minutes to get out of the house.

lynn, those are fungi. Aren't they cool? Have fun camping.

toni, i am trying to maintain a low profile here, hence the sunglasses and the hat.

schmoopie, i would love to go with you again, but Sat is out this week. I'll be in touch. I have a Wimpy hike in mind. :)

u-u, impish! I was going for fearsome. Gotta work on that.

Anonymous said...

absolutely breath-taking. I wish I had been there.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I just fell in love with that mountain.

Lynnea said...

Me too Meno.

gary rith said...


heartinsanfrancisco said...

Lovely photos! I am in love with Mt. Rainier from afar. It is unrequited.

You are lovely. You belong in such a beautiful setting. Funny how we both had the uncharacteristic urge to post photos of ourselves on the same day.

The tree with mushrooms pic is almost palpable, as are the bear grass shoots, which I've never seen.

I would love to visit Washington State.

meno said...

my pool, come visit!

d-man, how could you not?

maggie, :D

gary, MOI!

hearts, Mt. Rainier loves you too. I saw your photo. You positively glow in that picture. Come visit. I'll take you there.

Susanne said...

Beautiful. Thank you. And the mister takes gorgeous pictures. Of his gorgeous wife too.