Wednesday, March 05, 2008

aye i eye I

I woke up this morning bleary-eyed and exhausted from another night of not enough sleep. This e-mail awaited me in my inbox, a comment from anonymous:

I think its really stupid on your blog how you use the lowercase "I". It is really pretentious and self absorbed. Who do you think you are? e.e. cummings?

Oh ha ha ha ha ha. *gasp* *snort* Seriously cracked me up. I scared the cats off the bed with my laughing.

This is a blog, of COURSE it's self-absorbed.

In case anyone cares, i started using the lowercase "i" when i was a pretentious, self-absorbed pre-teen with the logic that none of the other pronouns get the honor of capitalization, so why should i? I continue using it because; 1) my typing is slow, painful and full of errors, one less keystroke matters to this impatient person, and 2) it's a habit.

Thanks for the laugh anon, i needed that.

And just because bitch is the new black, who can spot the grammar error in anon's comment?


Mona Buonanotte said...

One error..."its" needs the in "it is". Second, should self absorbed be hyphenated? Self-absorbed?

BTW, ee cummings is a muse of mine and i would
down (down)
stiff (softly worn)))
he were
still alive

Anonymous said...

Its should be a contraction, not the possessive.

If you're a bitch, then I want to be one too. Can we start a club? Can we get t-shirts?

Mrs. Chili said...

Anon needs to learn the difference between possessive pronouns and contractions...

furiousBall said...

i loves you meno

thailandchani said...

well in the spirit of solidarity, i will do the same thing. isn't it great? :)

i spotted the error in anon's comment and am amazed that he or she would find it necessary to even mention it.


meno said...

mona, good job! I think self-absorbed should be hypenated, but i am SURE that anal-retentive should be. :)

deb, Bitch Club T-shirts! I'll have to think about that. I like it.

mrs. chili, that's how i know it wasn't you. You would NEVER have made that mistake.

furious, why, thank you. *blush* Just tryin' to laugh in the face of...stupidity here.

chani, thank you for your gesture of solidarity. :) I know, get a life huh?

Princess in Galoshes said...

There are three errors, that I can see.

"Its" should be "It's"

The period should go inside the quotation marks after "I."

"Self absorbed" should have a hyphen

Mess with the bull, baby, you get the horns. };)

Gina said...

I, er, i love the folks that leave nasty comments or emails, but don't have the guts to use their name.

And what the hell does a lowercase i have to do with being pretentious and self-absorbed?

Anonymous said...

I quite LIKE you being pretentious and self-absorbed, dear. It gives you a certain sparkle in your eye.

Liv said...

that means you are crazy popular when you get the troll comments. bridge troll need to know that liv (lowercase pretentious liv) will kick the mofo shit out of whoever wanna lay some smack on meno.

bec. la liv is thuggy. she from the ghetto, but she know the difference between it's and its.

dumbass troll.

Lynnea said...

interesting that you are proclaimed self-absorbed but trollster feels it his obligation to police the blogs. Huh.

Mignon said...

Boy, the Anonymous grammar policeperson gets AROUND! I wish he/she would follow me wherever I went and correct my speech and spelling using his/her own poor grammar All The Time! Wouldn't it be awesome to have your own little Irony, all the time? Hi! Here's my pet Irony! Don't touch him, he bights! Ha ha ha!

meno said...

princess, i caught two of those, but i was a little unsure about the hyphen. Now i know for sure. Thanks. Who says blogs aren't educational?

gina, i dunno. Now lets's talk about me.

irrelephant, damn straight bub. hey, should you be out of bed?

liv, I know i'd be scared to meet you in a dark alley. :)

maggie, that's why it made me laugh. I mean, how fucking stupid. Get a life.

meno said...

mignon, I KNOW! Where are these people when i need them? Apparently off leaving gramatically incorrect comments.

fiwa said...

I will never understand why people feel the need to do that. Walk on if you don't like something - why send a nasty and chickenshitanonymous comment?

Girlplustwo said...

i am marveling in the effort made to send such an email.

i'm simply marveling. (with a lowercase i)

Candy said...

I don't know how Anonymous has time to do anything else in her/his life, what with all the hate comments (s)he leaves on every one's blog.

I'm guessing Anonymous is too stupid to write his/her own blog, and thus has cleared up enough time to make said comments.

Scott from Oregon said...


lu said...

What everyone else said.

using the word stupid in a complaint is translated as - this is really too hard for me, so, it's stupid.

haters - they just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

A while ago you commented about pain from typing, so i always figured that's your main reason. And I liked it because it freed me to skip going back and capitalizing if I was typing along too fast (or drunk) to get it up.

Diane Mandy said...

I am always amazed by the anonymous around who waste their time writing such nonsense. A lowercase letter really bothers him/her??? RIDICULOUS!

TTQ said...

hmmm. just hmm. carry on.

Gordo said...

Now, let's not forget anon's sentence fragment: "e.e. cummings?"

Anal-retentive is hyphenated. In fact, the word hyphenated is code for it amongst some friends. ;-)

Say It said...

um, i'm really bad with possessives and such, apostraphes and such, so, I'm going to say e.e. cummings should be capitalized. Or were they trying to be funny?

Today this bitch wore blue. I'm trendy that way.

Unknown said...

Doea this mean that you really aren't e.e. cummings?

Anonymous said...

I spell bitter "anon."

jaded said...

if i offer an answer at this point i will only sound like a copycat. what a schmuck!

jaded said...

if i offer an answer at this point, i will only sound like a copycat. what a schmuck!

crap! left out the comma.

SUEB0B said...

Personally, I am self-absorbed.

Unknown said...


(Just trying to maximize the self-absorption.) :)

Anonymous said...

Okay now, I LOVE editing, so here's my shot (outside from the obvious points mentioned already). Anon uses adjectives "self-absorbed" and "pretentious" to describe your action, not to describe you. Can an action be self-absorbed? I don't think so. (If that's not it, I hope you're not thinking it should say, "Whom do you think you are?" because that would just be too weird.)

Thanks for the entertainment. :)

flutter said...


Screw anon, right in the ear.

That is all

meno said...

fiwa, it's a puzzlement all right. Anonymouse = Chicken shit.

jen, what if all that effort went to fight evil?

candy, anon is certainly a busy, busy little bee.

scott, if you do, i am going to smack you on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.

lu, i like that interpretation of the word stupid.

de, i'm lazy! And self-absorbed. Cool!

diane, anon must be a really sensitive soul, unlike you and me, who just blunder through the world unaware of these terrible gaffes.

ttq, someone has too much time on his/her hands, wouldn't you say?

gordo, that's the joke around here, arguing about whether anal-retentive has that hyphen.

say it, i don't think e.e cummings capitalized his name. Blue bitch! right on.

seventh sister, no, and i smell better than he does too, as i've take a shower more recently.

popeye, heh!

patches, you made me laugh!

suebob, of course you are, you are a blogger.

andrea, nICE JOB!

half-past, a grammar nazi in our midst. Oh noes! I felt exactly the same way; Thanks for the entertainment.

flutter, you and liv are some scary bitches.

Schmoopie said...

As you know, i normally do not have time to comment lately, but i had to leave a comment on this one. That was a really crappy email. Eff that effing person! This is your space to write whatever the hell you want. The way you choose to write is your business. The person who wrote that doesn't know you at all. You are far from pretentious, and are very giving of yourself in many ways.

Just had to say that. :)

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that you don't capitalize anyone's name in your comments either. What, do you think we're ALL e.e. cummings? Are you saying that we're all pretentious and self-absorbed too? Sheesh! Now, eyes on me again.

ETK said...

next time i see anon, i'm totally kicking his/her ass.

Lynn said...

Uh oh...I guess that i have been to self-absorbed In my reactIon to what you say that i never notIced that you haven't been capItalIzIng your "i's".

Marshamlow said...

I never notice you don't capitalize your "i"s either. I am glad you got a good laugh instead of it hurting your feelings.

Em said...


When I was young I started writing sevens the european way and still do.

Dianne said...

i be in aww of youse meno

u can turn crap to funs - i put these hyphen just to be sure i use some of these punctuation in any of this place

black T-shirt with purple letters saying "Bitch is the new ..."

i and I both love ya!

Dick said...

The errors have been well covered by others. Years ago, in the early Prodigy, GEnie (that's how they spelled it! It was owned by General Electric Co.)and Compuserve era typing styles were heavily discussed. It was decided (and pretty much still followed now) that ALL CAPS is like shouting and should NOT be done on a regular basis but all in lower case was undecided. Until a handicapped person wrote the list saying she couldn't work her fingers very well but felt things "looked" better all in lower case than all in upper case. She was right. It really is easier to read and when you realize why it was done, not at all a problem.

Some people just never learn from history.

Anonymous said...

snarky grammar comments are the most amusing thing that happens on blogs. and why is it that the snarky commentors ALWAYS get something wrong?

petty and embarassing.

Tink said...

Someone needs to get laid...

meno said...

schmoopie, aw shucks, thank you. You can say fuck here. :)

nancy, it's all about you babe!

etk, take pictures when you do. I want to see.

lynn, it's because you have a life.

marsha, it's not that easy to hurt my feelings, especially with some douche bag comment like that.

em, i write mine that was too, and my Zs. I learned that in engineering school so i could tell them from my 2s.

dianne, i love the t-shirt colors. And i and I thank you.

dick, thank you for that lesson. Now i feel much better about myself.

franki, that's why i only criticize other's grammar behind their backs and not in writing. I'm bound to get something wrong.

tink, you volunteering? It would be your good deed for the day.

Mermaid Melanie said...

i don't care. i type with little I's all the time.

its my freakin blog! deal. ;-)

100 Thoughts of Love said...

that's really funny...most if my I's end up lower case, i can't quite get that timing right of the left pinky hitting the shift key...someone really took th time to email you that? sad....

tt said...

I'm thinking Anon must be making up for some other 'inadequacies'.... maybe?
I wonder how he/she walks around with all that hot air inside?/
just a thought ;)

Cheesy said...


luckyzmom said...

With lynn and marsha here. 2 self absorbed to notice that you use the lower case i. Don't understand why anyone would care. Is this English class?

Will be in your neck of the woods Sunday through Wednesday. Will wave.

gary rith said...

funny how some people think they can hide behind the curtain and say mean things to others--i too am a lazy typist, but f!ck it, it is readable and NOT A BOOK!

Daphne Enns said...

Holy shit! I've never noticed that you don't use a capital I.

It's such a small thing. I sense that that is not the only small thing that anon is upset over...

Anonymous said...

some people just have too much damn time on their hands....

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Which one -- "its" which should be "it's" or self absorbed, which needs a hyphen, OR the gratuitous question mark after Who do you think you are which should really be a comma?

You're a sweetheart to have seen the humor in this and your assessment of blogs as self-absorbed by definition is right-on.

meno said...

melanie, that was pretty much my attitude too.

pat, it still is making me smile.

tt, heh. That must be true. Maybe a gerkin-sized weenie?

cheesy, ihearyou!

luckyzmom, hey, it's all about you! I hope the weather is nice for you. You visiting family?

gary, i know. I never claimed to be a great gramatician (is that a word?) As long as we are communicating, it's all good.

daphne, heh, you arethe second person to suggest personal smallness might be the issue.

uurchin, totally. Find something important to complain about. Yeesh!

hearts, it really struck my funny bone. Guess i just needed it right then. I hadn't thought about the question mark being gratuitous, but you are right.

Allison Horner said...

Apparently anon was wanting attention and got it....

AND apparently anon has toooo much time on their hands to be bitching about how someone writes on their own blog.

Who frikkin cares, anon! get a life. sheesh.

Yeah, i never noticed it either that you did that, but i like it. :)

crazymumma said...

i dunno i failed grammar. in fact i failed high school. but people say i write nice.


silly anonymous. get a life and move on.

Ortizzle said...

Looks as though everyone caught all the errors I found. Except that I prefer "lower case" as two words. To that I would also add a suggestion for syntax and general editing: "I think it's really stupid on your blog how you use the lowercase i." = "I think it's really stupid that you use the lower case "i" in your blog posts."

Not very erudite, this anonymous person. What's really funny is how these people must remain anonymous. Are they afraid of being criticized?!

Heather said...

Ok, this post just got you a new follower. Thanks, I needed the laugh! So glad I stumbled in :)

sari said...

I know I'm late to the party, but I often type in all lower case because I'M NURSING A BABY WHILE I READ BLOGS and it's too hard to type properly with one hand!!!

I know that's an entire separate bitch-fest (hyphenation mine) for some people, but I'm willing to open that can of worms and stomp on it.

egan said...

I love anonymous wankers! Their great!

Robin said...

huh. i use the lowercase all the time. see? it's certainly not because i'm pretentious. i may be self-absorbed at times, but surely i've earned that right occasionally?
but mainly, it's because i'm lazy and it's easier this way.

and isn't a blog personal property of some sort? shouldn't we be allowed to type, talk, speak, think and do whatever else, however else, we want?

Andrea Frazer said...

People suck sometimes. I have really learned that this month. As a self-proclaimed optimist, this is saddening. Oh well.

luckyzmom said...

Yes, hubby's Mom in Skyway, daughter, her husband and their son and daughter (MY GRANDCHILDREN!!!) in Woodinville. Will soon post.

luckyzmom said...

PS-The closest we got to you was the Lk Sam sign on the freeway (405). I did wave.

mamatulip said...

Oh, the irony. It's so rich.