Friday, December 12, 2008

fluff and nonsense

Things that made me smile today:

~walking in to the place i volunteer and having someone who was leaving call out to me, "have a good weekend, meno." It's this little stuff about working that i miss.

~We are wrapping presents for the Adopt-a-Family program, and someone brought in cupcakes from that fancy new cupcake store in the mall. They cost $2.50 each. I ate a red velvet cupcake. MMMmmmmmm. It was worth the money.

~Someone telling me to put ice cubes down my bra, because i was fanning myself during a hot flash.

~The Mister is back home.

Something that made me laugh out out today:

~someone got to my blog by googling "How long do you have to wait to kiss after having meno."

Not long, not long at all!


furiousBall said...

how do you have to wait?

Anonymous said...

Maggie Moos red velvet ice cream is the bomb.

Shouldn't there be kisses before and during having meno too?

luckyzmom said...

meno ala mode?

Anonymous said...


By contrast, I was just about to do a post about things that really got under my skin today (like the loudly snoring guy behind me on the train -- so glad I don't live with that!)

The Real Mother Hen said...

There is this bra that comes with a fan, Mister could get that for you as Christmas gift :)

I was baking today, which meant I giggled the whole day... having fun with my girl friends while baking and eating non stop! Life is good!

The Real Mother Hen said...

Hhmm, am I missing something here? I thought Meno is from Plato's Meno?

Em said...

LOL...too funny. Guess I would have thought you would want a kiss or two before I had you. Seems I was wrong.

flutter said...

So, if I get you, but I haven't had you, do I still get to kiss you?

Anonymous said...

Things that made me smile today, the waiter at lunch who shared way too much with us. Everytime he came to our table we learned some new tidbit, and when he went to other tables too:)

meno said...

furious, hard.

nancy, why, yes, yes you should!

luckyzmom, with ice cream? YES!

daisy, i'm glad you don't either.

mother hen, A bra fan? I better google that. And, as far as meno, it is, i think someone meant mono.

em, i am greedy that way, i do want kisses before, and during and after.

flutter, but if you get me, haven'y you had me? And yes, you still get to kiss me?

deb, those waiters crack me up. Hi, i'm Emile, i'll be your waiter today, and i have irritable bowel syndrome.

SUEB0B said...

Good stuff!

jaded said...

Cake or Oatmeal for breakfast? Cake of Oatmeal? Oatmeal of Cake? The power of suggestion is too strong, maybe I should just go back to bed.

Cheesy said...

High point of my day Friday.. Voice mail from SF~ [he was planning on a visit to our Indian friends] saying..

" Was just needing a dose of my Cheese.. I am WAY ahead.. I didn't go!"
Made me lol on my dreary day at work....

Red Velvet...MMMMM

Marshamlow said...

My favorite part about volunteering is that you get all the good parts of working without all the crap. You get all the best google searches.

Gordo said...

A cupcake store? Wow.

QT said...

I love cupcakes. I don't have a big sweet tooth, so they are just big enough to satisfy.

You do get some interesting google searches....

meno said...

patches, i can't believe you would even debate over cake or oatmeal.

cheesy, awwww. That's cute.

marsha, that is exactly why i volunteer.

gordo, i know. Doesn't seem like a good business model. But the cake is good, so i'm going to take advantage while it's around.

meno said...

oh hi neen, i have a dreadful sweet tooth. I suppose is should try to do something about it. Nahhhh.

jaded said...

It's only a debate because on requires putting on pants and driving.

Mrs4444 said...

This would have been a perfect Friday Fragments post, you know...

I'm adding you to Mr. Linky~! :)

Schmoopie said...

So glad for you that The Mister is back home. I personally hate when Stucco is away. It's not that I need constant conversation. It's just that his presence brings me peace. Anxiety goes away the instant he crosses the threshold.

I made a Xmas cd for a coworker from my iTunes and gave it to her last week. She loved it so much she bought me a red velvet "babycake" from Cupcake Royale as a thank you. good!

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what he was like. We learned that he had five children, was recently divorced, his ex-wife lived in Cold Lake, she is Cree, how he broke his arm, why he left the oil field. They only thing we didn't learn about Randy is whether or not he had any tattoos or piercings, although I'm sure he would have been happy to share that with us as well. He was so sweet though, I couldn't help but smile.

Dick said...

Feel Good things are great. I'll celebrate one come June when older son comes home from his trip far away to the mountains of Afghanistan. Hell of a place for a Navy guy to be sent! And they do have WINTER there, with things like 2 feet of snow.

As to kissing after Meno- I don't know as I've never had meno (nor mono for that matter.)

musingwoman said...

Had to laugh at the hot flash suggestion, since I just had one a few minutes ago. Just hand me the whole ice cube tray!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so Pants way long beat me to it--I've always thought it was proper to kiss before AND after, whether you're having meno or someone else. *shrug* I'll keep that in mind should the opportunity ever arise!

lu said...

What you need to do is get your bra wet, lay it in the freezer so that the cups hold their shape, and voila, Hot flash no more!

Anonymous said...

this whole bra thing is scaring me.

meno said...

patches, that's what men are for. (SEXIST PIG!)

Mrs. 4444, I am not disciplined enough to do anything every Friday! And thank you.

schoopie, awww, wuv, twu wuv!

deb, if they are amusing, i will forgive a lot. Wonder of he would have shown you any tats.

hi dick! My dad awas in the Navy. Afghanistan seems an odd place for the Navy.

musing, i hear you sister!

irrelephant, kissing is always appropriate before, during and after the having. You are a gentleman.

lu, that's one way to keep the nipples cool! I like it.

de, you just wait missy! You'll be thinking about this some day.

Dianne said...

there isn't enough ice in the Arctic for my flashes!!

made me smile about the little things you miss about working - me too :)

fiwa said...

Thanks for sharing your fluff. I like fluff - it feels good. ;)

Lynnea said...

I could have sworn I left a comment here. Huh.

I love all those little things. I've been noticing them more lately.

Is there enough of you to go around? There seems to be quite a demand to have you.

Brad said...

Mmmm. red velvet cake mmmmmmmm

meno said...

dianne, maybe we explain globel warming!!??!!

fiwa, i like fluff too. Too much serious stuff going on right now.

maggie, maybe you just dreamed it. I don't know about demand, but at least one confused soul wanted to know.

brad, i had my first red velvet cake just last week. It was a revelation.

Real Live Lesbian said...

I had meno back in the Spring. Just made me want to crawl in bed. Do you do that too? :)

crazymumma said...

and really. what the hell is meno and why do you use that name?