Saturday, August 04, 2007

More traveling

The Mister's pile of laundry, week 2.

Heading off to Cannon Beach on vacation tomorrow. There will be pictures as it is one of the most beautiful places in the world.
I've got sunscreen and dental floss, what else could i possibly need?


Ortizzle said...

A cold beer.

flutter said...


sari said...

i would say a towel, just because sand has a way of making things uncomfortable, doesn't it?

have a great trip!

Dick said...

Maybe an umbrella. It is in the northwest after all. But you sure are right in that it is a beautiful area.

The whole Oregon Coast is great. I need to make a trip to Eugene to have a solar system installed on my new motorhome. We will wait until later in Sep to go so it won't be so hot and then will go to the coast and slowly work our way back north from Newport. I love that area and look forward to showing it to Pat.

How did you get that stack of folded clothes to stay together? I've never seen one so tall!

TTQ said...

Ha! That stack would last maybe two seconds here. Honey would want something from the bottom or middle. Not to mention the "kids" playing..

Sienna said...

How the hell did you get it all to sit up without falling over!!
That is amazing...I can never get past about half of that stack! I am impressed.

Hey have fun....beach sounds great, quite cold and wet here still in Oz, but the wattle is beginning to bloom, flowering yellow trees dotting the countryside.


Stucco said...

Rent one of those three wheeled hammock-bicycle deals. And get some ice cream from that white building with the benches out front.

jaded said...

Corkscrew, or maybe a regular one : )

The Mister has a very restrained color palette.

Schmoopie said...

A jar for sand, and a box to mail that sand to Pants. We forgot a jar last time when we visited the beach together.

I am hoping Stucco and I (and kiddos) will be able to visit Cannon Beach in Oct. for a long weekend.

Have a relaxing time and bury your feet in the warm, soft sand for me! :)

Liv said...

food, booze, bugspray, medicine, hair products, make-up, brush, toothpaste, brush, iPod, cell phone, magazines, laptop, beach towel, bathing suit, in your suitcase!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you are covered! Enjoy.

Lynn said...

The Mister and Em. Oh, and a nice trashy book to read.

meno said...

ortizzle, i'll buy one there!

flutter, short hair, don't need one. :)

sari, oh yeah, sand in the cracks can be uncomfy.

dick, (don'y tell anyone, but i AM taking a raincoat.) I love the Oregon Coast, spectacular scenery the whole way.

ttq, Right after i took that picture the stack fell over. :(

pam, it it leaning against the wall, otherwise.... I bet you'll be taking pictures of the spring.

stucco, i will, i totally will.

patches, you are SO smart. Of COURSE i need a cork...screw.

schmoopie, oh, i will! I hope you make it down too.

liv, food & booze, buy it there. Bugspray, don't need it. Medicine, maybe i should take some Advil. Hair products and make-up, not me. Brush, short hair, don't need one. Toothbrush and paste, yep. Ipod, i am the only person in the universe without one. Cell phone and laptop, yep. Bathing suit, i'll just fashion something using the dental floss. :)

my pool, i will. :)

lynn, i guess i should take those guys. And a trashy novel! Good idea.

Anonymous said...

Something aromatic to clap to your nose if you walk downwind from Haystack Rock?

We love the Oregon coast, vacation often just south of Yachats.


amusing said...

See, I was going to ask if you were going to wear the floss, but you beat me to it.... (so I guess that means you are -- better bring that towel between you and the sand then!)

Girlplustwo said...

a fine bottle of red. enjoy. enjoy. enjoy.

Mrs. Chili said...

I'm currently into Limoncello - maybe some of that would be nice to have on the beach....

Liv said...

maybe my long list of requirements is what prompted chica to tell me that the pink dinosaur sticker was "more" me, and she promptly swiped the yellow one...

Anonymous said...

Oh....what Schmoop said. One of my favorite places on Earth. I'll trade you two dozen of the best Snickerdoodles you've ever tasted for one breath of that sea air. Or maybe just a whole sand dollar. :-)


Mother of Invention said...

Extra bum-wad if you're camping! ha! Have a great one and take tons of pics!

Airam said...

I can't tell you how many times I've tried to make a pile of clothes that high and failed.

meno said...

phil, only at low tide on a hot day would there be THAT smell. :)

amusing, yeah, because everyone wants to see me in my dental floss suit.

jen, but of course!

mrs.chili, hmmm, i might have to try one of those.

liv, that DOG! She didn't! Not the yellow sticker.

nancy, DEAL! packing a plactic bag to put some sand, and maybe a sand dollar in, if i get lucky.

moi, camping? Not this girl!

airam, i cheat. It's leaning on the wall and the cabinet. It's often this high. Keep trying.

crazymumma said...

you need me there too grunt on occasion as I look up from my book and fill the chip bowl and pop another frosty.

have a grand time.

jealous of blogher experiences.

Joan said...

Wow...clean clothing as a Jenga tower...pretty neat!

Don't forget the water wings!!! Have a great time!

Antonia Cornwell said...

Ear plugs are always top of my packing list. I think I'm too late to tell you to pack them, though. I hope you're somewhere beautiful as I write, not giving a shit that you didn't pack ear plugs (unless the Mister snores as loudly as Ian is currently beside me. Someone's about to get a poke in the nose.)

Biscotto said...

Last year I accidentally packed four little boxes of floss--and forgot to take my bathing suit. Thought at first that I might try to crochet a suit from the floss. Can you just picture it? Mint-flavored, too.

ms chica said...

Liv & Meno, woof, woof, woof!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're off to see the Leaning Tower!

thailandchani said...

A book, of course! Let us know what your beach reading is. :)



Anonymous said...

Take me and a good time will be had by all.

No wait, that's not right. If you take me, then all will be had. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Susanne said...

I hope you have a great time. I'm also without iPod by the way. And I'd like to see a picture of you in your dental floss bathing suit, please.

urban-urchin said...

that stack is a marvel. have a wonderful time!

karmic said...

Amazing stack! Have a great vacation!

meno said...

crazymumma, if you fill up the chip bowl and fetch cold drinks, you are welcome.

joan, when will it fall? It did. So i refused to refold it all.

antonia, hell, i carry earplugs in my purse. They are ESSENTIAL! The Mister does snore, but a quick poke with an elbow and he'll roll over and stop. For a while.

ms. chica, i KNEW it.

d-man, it's my little passice-aggresive thing, i just let it pile up, and up.

chani, i just finished a really bad book that Em gave me. Teenaged girls and vampires. Hopefully the next one will be better.

holly, well then, c'mon.

susanne, It's been cool, cloudy and 60. Today it's misting HEAVILY. So no bathing suit as yet.

u-u, i will. :)

sanjay, why, thank you. Oh you said STACK, not rack. :)

heartinsanfrancisco said...

But how are you going to get that in the suitcase, cables and all?

Have a wonderful vacation!! Take lots of pictures. Relax.

Andrea Frazer said...

Don't forget a list of phone numbers if you're not bringing your laptop.

Elliot said...

Cannon Beach is incredible. I've been there a couple of times meself.

And, what I want is a shot of you wearing all of those clothes in that stack at once!

Elliot said...

Wait, on further (okay, CLOSER) reading, I see that those are the Mister's clothes. Take a shot in them anyway!

megabrooke said...

holy hell that's a lot of laundry!
have a great vaca!!!

QT said...

MENO - I am sorry I missed bidding you farewell - I hope it was awesome and you ate a ton of clam chowder and salt water taffy. I love Cannon Beach!

Anonymous said...

I hope the weather gets better and you have lots of sunshine and laziness. oh, and better reading :)

Lynnea said...

I miss you. And the ocean. and the soft sand. and the smell of salt on the breeze. and the sound of crashing waves. and sand dollars.

Anonymous said...

Ten years ago, I had a laundry pile like that on a chair at the end of my son's changing table. We were leaving on vacation later that day. As I was changing his diaper, he projectile pooped, managing to hit every single piece of clothing in that carefully laundered and folded pile.

Good times.

meno said...

hearts, i will leave the packing to the brawny man in my life, because they are his clothes.

mamap, got it, they are in my phone.

jeremiah, sorry, i didn't get around to wearing all the clothes.

brookem, yes, it is a lot of laundry. And when i ask him to bring it upstairs, he just carries the whole pile up and drops it on the floor of the closet.

qt, i ate clams at least twice, and seafood stew, and we stopped on the way home and got a big bag of salt water taffy. It was good.

holly, the last two days were beautiful! And i did get better reading material.

maggie, i'll send some of the ocean your way.

capacious, oh no! A lesson you could totally have skipped learning.