Friday, September 14, 2007

It really is sweet

I met another mom from Em's school in the school library the other day for something or other and Em happened to come in while we were there so i called out "Hi Sweetie," to her.

"Hi Mommy," she replied.

The other mom practically melted. "Awww," she said, "she still calls you mommy. I miss that." She has a boy who is 12, and apparently he decided a few years ago that mommy was for sissies, or some such. Or maybe his friends convinced him, i don't know.

When Em was first learning to talk, i tried to teach her to call the Mister and me by our first names instead of mommy and daddy, you know, because i just think i'm so cool sometimes. (Ha!) That worked until she started going to preschool. She just started calling us mommy and daddy and has ever since.


I am having some trouble with reality the past few days. I want to just keep on reading books so that i don't have to be in this world. I want to live in a world where the dialogue is clever, the vocabulary is large and love wins in the end. I want to live in a world where magic is possible, good triumphs over evil and the conflicts have an end. Sigh.

I think i've been listening to the news too much.


Anonymous said...

Aw, that IS sweet.

That's the type of book I'm trying to write. What have you been reading?

Here's one you might dig: 'The Yiddish Policemen's Union.' Michael Chabon.

thailandchani said...

I'm with you on that! Lately I've been spending a lot more time reading books than paying much attention to the outside world.



Anonymous said...

I tried and tried to get my daughter to call me "Papa" from careful in utero conversations all the way through, well, last year. I always liked the vaguely European feel of "Papa," but no, "Daddy" it was and "Daddy" it is. And I'm still proud of being Daddy. *s*

Mrs. Chili said...

I'm hoping I'm "mommy" forever... and I'm right there with you on trying to escape the real world....

crazymumma said...

The trick is to keep oneself so busy that one does not listen to the news.

Biscotto said...

Oh Meno but you DO live in a world where magic is possible. You just aren't paying attention properly. Put down the book and notice, I mean REALLY NOTICE, what is going on all around you. You'll see it.

Didn't you know that the world IS a work of fiction, not always well-written, not always what you want to read, but more often than not as funny and true and as dramatic as what you dream for.

Now if the vocabulary isn't always large, then study the nuances, the inflection, the richness of the wrong word, the sardonic ironic sarcasm, and so on. You'll find the expression that you are looking for in the simplest of phrases.

Pay attention to these things, Girlie, because the struggle does have a definite and distinct ending. If you are lucky you'll see it coming but not so far in advance that it spoils the pleasure of the story. If you are not, the ending will hit you like a Mac truck driven in reverse by a greasy pock-marked boy who had three beers for lunch.

The magic, it is small. You are looking too large. Use a magnifying glass. Be still. Take notes. It's here it's there it's everywhere.

Really. Look. And. Listen. Then tell me if I'm wrong, or tell us the story that proves I am right.

Princess in Galoshes said...

Mmm. And that world has circular rooms with velvet pillows affording views of the sky, I hope???

I'd totally join you.

sari said...

I'm "ma-ma" with equal emphasis on both syllables...I've always been that and I like it.

Though, I do prefer the spelling "momma" ha ha.

meno said...

nancy, trashy mystery, trashy romance, trashy science fiction. Please write one, i will buy and read it. And then i will make you sign it for me, because i love you. Thank you for the sugggestion. I'm on it.

chani, the outside world is overrated. Totally.

irrelephant, daddy is an honorific that is in the top one. Treasure it.

mrs.chili, i hope to be mommy forever too. It tugs at my heart.

crazymumma, good plan. But i am a news junkie. It will be hard to kick the habit.

biscotto, i am encouraged that you think so. I am looking too large. i want the impossible. I need to look at the possible. But that's harder. You are awesome.

princess, wanna play in my room with me?

sari, how lucky we are, to be mama and mommy. *sniff*

Stucco said...

Reality is overrated. Besides, when you have a gift for the absurd, and a penchant for taunting and obfuscation, "reality" becomes far more palatable.

amusing said...

Angela Thirkell (and a cup of tea)

flutter said...

New is propaganda. Stephenie Meyers, though? Is fun to read.

Sienna said...

You might be re-energising your soul...wacked out the batteries and got it on recharge....I do it all the time, it's good, it's happy hour for the mind and soul....good for you Meno..

I used to think, what? and then I figured, ahh, follow your bliss kid.


Anonymous said...

I can imagine feeling that way, in some utopian future I'd like to read about.

I found myself at the library check out with 20 some books for the kids and none for myself this week. I thought, I'll just make a grab for a book on the display table, but then remembered the long reading list I unearthed when unpacking the office stuff. I'll make a special trip back just for me. I deserve it.

I just noticed your countdown clock - 66 days. That's starting to make me feel nervous. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

When mine was a baby I couldn't wait for that first MaMa. After a couple years, I considered changing my name. Just kidding.

Last night VERY LATE I received the simple email - I love you mommy!

No questions, just smiles. It is still so sweet.

Marshamlow said...

My daughter no longer calls me Mommy. You are a lucky woman. Luckily for me I have a second one at only four she still calls me Mommy and crawls into my lap to snuggle.

ms chica said...

You mean there is a larger world that exists beyond the scope of my vacation, sketchbook, and trashy novel?

I neglect to keep up with the news because it has a negative impact on my attitude. I'm grouchy enough as it is.

Today marks my return trip to reality...and temperatures in the high eighties.

meno said...

stucco, i occasionally have this urge to be less ignorant about the goings on of the world, but then it passes and i go back into denial.

amusing, great idea. Thanks.

flutter, another suggestion! Excellent.

pam, i am still with my head in the sand. It works for me.

de, don't be nervous about the clock. I'll probably take it down soon. Maybe i need another trip to the used book store.

ac, i know what you mean about changing your name. What a sweet e-mail.

marsha, i keep wondering when mine will change to mom. We'll see.

ms.chica, no, there is no larger world. If you see a glimpse of it, just look the other way. Sorry you have to head off. :(

Daphne Enns said...

I prefer escapist reading too. And I like the people to be larger than life and clearly defined. It makes life easier.

And I know what is going on in the world too and it paralyzes me. I do my part environmentally, give money to charities and try to do small kindnesses locally.

But I can't deal with the details of all of those subjects too closely and still be helpful.

So, who cares if you're reading too much lately? I'll stop feeling guilty if you stop feeling guilty...did I mention that I'm co-dependent?

alphawoman said...

Move over, I want there too.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Reality bites. That's why God made literature.

Imez said...

That is so interesting that you wanted her to call you by your first name. It didn't seem cold? I know you guys have a fantastic warmth between you, it just seems counterintuitive.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. This past week I gratefully escaped into "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" whenever I could. I felt lost when it was over, desperate to go back into a different world. I had to satisfy myself with magazines as Stephen is still finishing the book I want to read next - Bill Buford's "Heat". I need something funny. I hate the news. I'm reading Harry Potter to my youngest but miss Junie B. Jones.

Anonymous said...

Hah! I tried that too! It didn't last long though and now I love it when she calls me Mummy. Usually, though, I'm just Mum.

Tink said...

That's funny... As a kid, if I would have called my Mom by her first name, she would have popped me in the mouth. ;)

Andrea Frazer said...

I totally dig what Biscotto said. I would have left her a nice comment if she had a blog. But since she doesn't, hope you're reading Biscotto! Nice words!

Mona Buonanotte said...

Can I come to your world? I'll bring chocolate chip cookies.

meno said...

daphne, it would be easier if we would all just stay in our roles, like a book. We'll have to start a reality avoiding co-dependent's group. :)

alphawoman, plenty of room for all here in menoland.

hearts, i like it! I will be repeating it often.

esereth, it was really an annoying affectation. I just wanted to be different and outrage tradition, and my mother. I thought "Everyone is mommy. I can look cool and hip and be meno." But Em had other ideas.

capacious, oh, you are so intellectual! I am escaping into trashy detective novels.

platypus, interesting that you did that too. Care to say why?

tink, mine would have too. I think that was part of the appeal, making my mother cringe.

mamap, shit, did she delete her blog again? Dammit, i hope not.

mona, chocolate chip cookies are an acceptable entry ticket into my world, as are oatmeal, molasses, snickerdoodles....anything but peanut butter.

Anonymous said...

The Road, by Cormac McCarthy.

Mermaid Melanie said...

Thankfully, my son is still very young, and I refrain from turning on the news. at all.

I am mommy too. :wink:

SuperP. said...

Oee calls me 'Mommah'.. and she just entered grade one.. I soak up every single 'mommah' I can get, because I know that day is coming.. sooner than I'd like.

Mother of Invention said...

And the book stores are all counting on that!! "The Great Escape"!

Susanne said...

No news for me anymore. They make me feel bad. But then I have been wanting to hide in my bed with a book or a DVD for weeks now. Maybe I should make the next weekend a weekend in bed...

Liv said...

News bums me out. I try to avoid it, but it's hard in a town where people by and large still get THE PAPER. They're always asking did you read it or something. I just say that I am trying to go green and so don't subscribe. Not subscribing seems like nature's antidepressant.

Anonymous said...

I feel this way so often, I could cry. wouldn't it be nice if we could just create our own little niche, and make sure it rolled along at our own pace, and contained only those elements that we chose?...