Mom of the year
Taken at Cannon Beach, OR.
Em goes to a yuppie private school. At the beginning of each year, each grade goes on an overnight retreat in order to do some "bonding". So Em went off on Thursday morning with a sleeping bag and a suitcase.
While i was at my volunteer job on Thursday afternoon my cellphone rings. It was Em, sobbing. I try to find out what the hell is wrong, and am eventually able to understand that her feelings have been grievously hurt by Thomas. I put down the cell phone for a minute and tell my other caller, who is a client of my volunteer thing, that i have an emergency phone call and need to call her back.
So the insult was that Thomas told Em that her acne is really bad. It is sorta bad, but she is 15, and it's not disfiguring or anything. Thomas has been mean to her for two years now, ever since he asked her out and she told him that she didn't like him in that way.
Em wanted me to come and get her. I asked her if she had talked to the teachers to see if they would let her come home for hurt feelings. I knew they wouldn't, and i really didn't want to drive for two hours to go and get her, but i wanted her to know that i care about her hurt. When we got off the phone she was laughing.
When she was insulted, she started sobbing "I want my mommy" so her friends supplied her with a contraband cell phone with which to call me.
After she got off the phone, her friends asked her "What did your mom say?"
Em replied, "She told me to tell Thomas that he has a tiny dick."
Sometimes i say the right thing.