It's been oppressively hot here lately, the kind of hot that has middle-aged women, myself included, wearing severely inappropriate outfits, and NO ONE frowns disapprovingly at us.
So i borrowed The Mister's car and took off to the mountains to go hiking with Kim.
We got up at the crack of 8:30, in time to eat the magnificent repast provided for us at the B&B where we stayed, then moseyed on out of the place at 10 am or so.
After stopping at the Ranger Station, we decided to tackle a hike that would require every fancy-assed gadget on The Mister's SUV in order to reach the trail head. High clearance, low gears and Hill Descent Control. WHEEEEEE!
As we were bumping along, about a mile below the trail head, we come across a white pickup, stuck in a ditch on the roadside, such that no one could get past in either direction.

And OH! GET THIS! The Stuck Truck is a FOREST SERVICE vehicle containing two mortified young ladies in their little forest service uniforms.

Kim and i get out, joining Grumpy Smoker Woman and Boring Man, who are blocked from above by Stuck Truck. (NOTE: Made up names reflect Kim's and my ability to stereotype people in an instant.)
Begin head scratching, requests for tow ropes and lots of 'helpful' advice. None of us has a tow rope. Boo!
A third vehicle stops, just below Kim and i, out comes The Silver Fox, and Bar Mitzvah Boy, with their little dog Shadow.
More head scratching.
Oblivious Dad, various small children, Crusty Grandpa
Two more vehicles pull up from below. Families pour out, complete with Wandering Grandpa, Frustrated Daughter-in-Law, Small Crying Children and Oblivious Dad.
The men and Kim cluster around the truck, giving advice, while the rest of us make stupid jokes and slap at the biting black flies.
I finally think to get my camera out. First intelligent thing i've done since stopping.
Attempts are made to rock Stuck Truck out of its rut. Gravel is fetched. Tree branches are laid down. Shovels are employed. All to no avail.
Wandering Grandpa wanders off and has to be pulled out of the road by Kim.
More cars pull up below. Groups issue from each car, including Crusty Grandpa and more small children. Some one has a chain, but no hooks. Oblivious Dad tries to TIE one end of the chain to Stuck Truck. I tuck a small child under each arm and move way far away as i know a tied chain will not hold and flying chains can be fatal.
Finally, maybe 45 minutes later, British Guy comes from below. Hallelujah! He has a towing cable!
Men take over, much fussing ensues.
British Guy, Silver Fox and Boring Man
I love men!
Cable is attached, in a complex scheme that somehow involves a toy carabiner from The Mister's key chain. I move further away.
Clear everyone out, she's gonna blow!
Frustrated Daughter-in-Law, Silver Fox, Bar Mitzvah Boy, British Guy, Wandering Grandpa and Mortified Ranger Girl.
Frustrated Daughter-in-Law, Oblivious Dad, British Guy, Mortified Ranger Girl and Kim.
Wandering Grandpa's wife wonders where wandering Grandpa is.
It was a great shared experience. Since we were all heading the same way, we nodded and smiled at one another as we moved along with our day.
So, on with the hike. The flowers are in full bloom.
This flower is a Fringed Grass of Parnassus.
I'm using the wet bandanna under the hat trick. I don't look stupid do i?
Kim, rolling in the snow like a frisky husky dog. Did i mention it was hot?
It was all worth it.