Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fun in bed

Last night, unbeknownst to me, a nickel, yes, a coin worth 5 pennies, was lurking in my bed.

As i rolled over, again, unbeknownst to me, the nickel stuck to my hip. A few seconds later, it detached and slid down my leg, because gravity, it works.

All i knew at that point, is that something vaguely cold was moving down my leg under the covers.

Being the calm and collected person that i am, as well as (sadly) an arachnophobic, i screamed and leapt about 5 feet from the bed, dragging the blankets and top sheet with me.

Oddly enough, this woke up The Mister, who also leapt out of bed, ready to do battle with whatever evil hell minion was attacking his woman. He seemed rather put out that there was nothing to slay.

The nickel remained calm and stayed in bed.

Oh, for a video camera in the bedroom at that moment.


Scott from Oregon said...

You had a spider. I had two killer mountain lions.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I needed a good laugh.

Mary said...

Just to make you shiver, I actually did once pick a spider off my leg while under the covers. It was one of those big hairy wood spiders too. I screamed, jumped out of bed, and eventually made my roommate get up and go through my covers until the spider fell out. At that time, she screamed, then dropped the Sunday Charlotte Observer on it and smushed it flat.

I will unfortunately probably have a nightmare about this tonight. So thanks...

Lynnea said...

I can picture this perfectly! I so feel for you. I would not have been able to get back in that bed even knowing it was a mischievous nickel. It's good to know you have a warrior by your side though isn't it?

Anonymous said...

The part I don't get? What makes you think spiders are cold?

meno said...

scott, i read that. Wily cougars!

deb, glad to help. :)

mary, EWWWWWWWWW! i would have had to change the sheets if it had been a real spider. And, you're welcome! :D

maggie, my hero! All he needed was a light saber.

de, you are assuming that i was thinking. I was NOT!

flutter said...

This so reminds me of the time that I found a sunflower seed shell in my buttcrack, because someone who shall remain nameless was eating them in bed.

nick said...

Seed shells in your butt crack? I don't like where this conversation is heading....

Well, yes, if you were thinking, which you weren't, you would have thought, hang on, I don't feel the patter of tiny feet, only a blob of coldness. So it can't be a spider, phew. But there again, it might be a bullet. Oh my god!

Anonymous said...

Yup, it's that time of year when nickels start coming into the house to escape winter. Like all cold-blooded coinage, they like to find nice warm places like beds to hibernate.

I suggest purchasing a 'nickel farm', usually shaped like a pig (harking back to their agrarian origins, when money grew on trees) and start a whole colony.

Watch out for bad pennies though. They can bite you on the ass.

Bob said...

at least you didn't punch the Mr. in the face. I mention this not merely as a hypothetical event, but as someone who has experienced this particular wake-up call.

Dual Cheek Nut Cracker said...

Oh, poor Bob.

At least the Mister was prepared to slay the demon, rather than hide under the bed from it.

My bed is littered with love offerings from one of the cats. Acorn season lasts a long time. It's like sleeping with squirrels.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness... thanks I really need that laugh

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Damn. I'm sure you're worth more than a nickel, Sweetie. A lot more.

Robin said...

i had something pithy to say but then i read flutter's comment and..well, it boggled my mind.

nickles, sunflower seeds, acorns - it's like a top ten list of things you would NOT expect to find in your bed.

going to inspect my sheets now...

Cheesy said...

You do know that mustache rides are a nickel... right?

meno said...

flutter, ah ha ha hahah! thanks for the visual image. heh!

nick, yes, i reacted faster than my brain thinks.

nancy, you are very clever, to understand the behavior and lifecycle of the nickel.

bob, once i winged him with an elbow, but no punching.

cheek cracker, awww, that's so cute.

chili, glad to provide you with amusement. It was funny here too, in retrospect.

hearts, thank you my dear. Next time i'll ask for more.

robin, let us know if you find anything good.

cheesy, AH! That explains it!

Dick said...

That is a different bed time story. But most people don't have video cameras in their bedrooms so we will just have to stay with the mental picture that written words can create. It's probably better that way.

luckyzmom said...

Needed that shot of humor. Sorry it was at your startled expense though.

Taradharma said...

must be fun, sharing a bed with you!

sari said...

I laugh. I cry. I cringe. I'm so there, too.