Tuesday, June 30, 2009



This morning i found an unexpected $45 in the pocket of my shorts. SCORE! Funny how such a little thing can give me such a lift. It's my money in the first place, i just forgot i had it when it disappeared last fall. That makes it a bonus.

I was eating a sandwich when someone came up to me and asked me what kind it was. I told them, and the response was "Ewwwww." What the hell is it with people saying "Ewwww" over my food? I mean, what's wrong with cat food and peanut butter anyway? (Kidding. It was hummus and pastrami.)

I am always amused when people feel compelled to voice an opinion over something that has nothing to do with them. Next time i will say "It's cat food and Velveeta! Want a bite?"


Robin said...

yeah on the score! i hope you spent it on something totally frivolous!

sorry but hummus and pastrami does sound kinda ewwwww, so that might make it a consensus, not just an opinion ;-). don't know about the cat food and velveeta, that might just encourage them to keep asking.......

flutter said...

or you could say, "This is catfood, velveeta and pickles. If you don't like that you can come for dinner. I am making curry and ass."

nick said...

Just ask them what is their favourite food, then go deathly pale and rush to the toilet....

Bob said...

I wouldn't have said ew, but I would have raised my eyebrows. hummus and pastrami is not a combination that would have occurred to me. what kind of bread? mustard? mayo?

Anonymous said...

I found $5 in my shorts this morning. Can't do much with that, but I was happy, too.

That is one of the few things I cannot stand about my MIL. She'll say "Gross!" about foods that she doesn't like, even if you're sitting there eating it. I mean, come on. So rude.

Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

"I am always amused when people feel compelled to voice an opinion over something that has nothing to do with them. "

Amused? Words to live by! I am always irritated and frustrated with a friend who must, MUST insist that her way of doing things is the only way. Even when it is something in MY life.

I need to learn to be amused rather than irritated.

Thank you for the fresh nugget of inspiration. Now, excuse while I go about chewing on it.

Mrs. Chili said...

I LURVE found money.

Hummus DOES look like cat food, now that you mentioned it...

meno said...

robin, don't knock it until you've tried it.

flutter, i am so using that.

nick, excellent! I'll give it a try.

bob, wheat bread, mayo, havarti and tomatoes. Yum! I converted one of my sisters last week by making her one of these.

de, you could buy a great latte! It is rude, drives me nuts.

cagey, well, it IS funny. What the hell do i care what they think of my food?

mrs. chili, what the hell kind of cat food are YOU using? Ewwwww! :)

thailandchani said...

Cat food and Velveeta.



Mrs4444 said...

I make trail mix with Kibbles & Bits all the time. Wouldn't that be FUNNY?! I would love to walk around in public with a bag of that and take pics of peoples faces when they reacted. The tough part would be the eating part, though...

Clowncar said...

Or you could tell them what Calvin told Susie: "All I can say is, I sure feel sorry for my tapeworm."

meno said...

chani, sounds just nummy huh?

mrs. 4444, i use iams for my trail mix. :)

clowncar, love it, will use next time for sure.

Brad said...

You know... found money is supposed to be spent friviously on your self don't ya?

Pass the Purina.

Like I give a shit about your opinion said...

I keep a change jar, so anything over a dollar sounds like a find to me. Yeah, people and food. I don't care about your opinion of my food so any emphasis on disgusting noises is totally unacceptable. So go find your own rock to dine under, you ungrateful, spoiled human.....uh oh I just typed that out loud...Must quit projecting...Must mellow.

Jonas said...

HEY!!! Let's have no more of this, m'kay? Cat food and Velveeta on a seven-grain bun (with arugula and Dijon mustard) is a daily staple.

Just sayin'

Cheesy said...

Nutty and peppery...interesting~

sari said...

terrific about the $$$...the sandwich, well, to each his own though I wouldn't have said anything if it were me asking. People always feel like they can say whatever they want, don't they?

Scott from Oregon said...

Worse than the yucksters are the people who smell something bad and then want to share the experience...

"Oh, this smells! Here. Smell this!"

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, hummus and pastrami sounds fabulous to me. I will have to try when I'm eating deli meats again.

My mother-in-law is fond of judging food because she is a very picky eater. I invited her over for dinner once and she refused to eat anything I served because lamb chops were too exotic. She asked if she could have PB&J instead. Now she's fond of laughign and saying, "Remember when you tried to serve me mutton?" And it takes all my strength not to respond, "Remember when you totally insulted my cooking with your severely stunted palate?"

--Princess in Galoshes.

P.S. The whole if-you-can't-say-anything-nice,-don't-say-anything-at-all-thing isn't going so well.

Lynnea said...

First, I used to purposely hide money in pockets of jackets and jeans so that I would find them later. It is just so much fun. (Best place to hide something is in your snow or ski suit - it takes a year to find it and then it is assuredly a surprise)

2) Someone your height should not be tolerating ewwws, in my opinion. One quick rap to the top of a short (minded) snit and I think it should do the trick.

3) I just read the post your daughter wrote. Wow. Not only is she adorable and wonderful and sounds just like you, but I think she really loves you. =) I loved it when she said "I'd be happy to have someone tell me that I was turning into my mom". Beautiful. You are both inspiring.

4) enough butt smooching for me. NY sounds awesome, I'll try, I really will.

stinkypaw said...

Finding money, even your own, is always pleasant!

And I don't say "ewww" to anything unless I've tried it first and didn't like it!

Marshamlow said...

You have assembled quite a lovely collection of friends here, reading your comments is nearly as entertaining as reading your blog.

My question is: do you make your own hummus? I have been trying for years to get it just right. Maybe I should give it up and just buy it pre-made. Any hummus making tips?

meno said...

brad, i didn't know that rule, but i like it. Next time for sure.

like i give, hit a nerve did i?

jonas, it all sounds okay, except the arugula, need iceberg lettuce so that no taste is added.

cheesy, well, i like it. :)

sari, no filter i guess. Whatever i think must be worth saying. NOT!

princess, i hate picky eaters. It's so hard to make them happy, so i just don't invite them over.

hi maggie, i'm taking her back on the 23rd of August, if that helps with planning. Although i understand that it's hard for you to get away. Just know that i wish we could meet up.

stinkypaw, it's even BETTER if it wasn't your money.

marsha, pretty clever group these guys. I used to make hummus, but now i buy the brand they sell at Costco. It's delicious.

luckyzmom said...

Cat food is much too expensive to waste on hummus, or humans unless you happen to find $45 in your pocket.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

My cat would never have eaten Velveeta.

Taradharma said...

I am of the firm opinion that people everywhere are much more rude than they used to be. Saying 'ewww' to someone's food is beyond the pale. (I mean, excuse me, but, ewwwww, your tie is way ugly.)
I become extremely annoyed with rude people, and I try to remember that many people were raised with no training at all in this area. They don't mean to be rude, but they are, and we oughta come up with some good responses ahead of time! Turn it into a witty, educational, teachable moment!

The Real Mother Hen said...

Actually hummus and pastrami sound real good. I'll have to combine these two and try it out.

meno said...

luckyzmom, my cat gets the cheap stuff, so it's okay.

hearts, no self respecting cat would, that shit is made from nylon.

taar, Hi there! Nice to be hearing from you again. Sometimes i am in the mood to teach, sometimes i just want to whack them.

mother hen, it IS good. That's one of my standard hiking sammys.

Gina said...

I used to work with a woman who would not only say "ewww", but make gagging, retching noises if she didn't like what you were eating. It was delightful.

Anonymous said...

Score on the $45! It's like getting your tax refund. "Yippee! Wait, this is MY money anyway..."

I get that ewwww every night from my children; the same ones who then scold me for feeding them pizza the next night because Teacher said it wasn't healthy.

Anonymous said...

If someone says they don't like what I'm eating I smile and say "More for me!" or if I'm being snippy I say "MORE FOR ME" all snotty and stick my tongue out ;)