Tuesday, March 11, 2008

a fan, i haz one.

Somebody sent me this:

It's a USB port fan. I have been complaining recently about a natural phenomenon common to women of a certain age.

It was sent in secret, but i think i have been able to decode from clues the person who sent it to me. It has little led lights that activate when it is on into lovely little patterns.

I am in love with it. Here are some of the patterns:

I feel loved. Thank you Kim.

Tell me you are jealous.


flutter said...

whoooaaaaa the colors!

Girlplustwo said...

i'd be jealous if you took it to Burning Man. now then I'd be jealous.

Liv said...

you know how many women would DIE to be as HOT as you?? do you know???

there's no squelching the hotness of meno.

Lynnea said...

ah, those unexpected simple yet brilliant gifts are the best. like daffodils for a $1 ;)

Mrs. Chili said...

Not only am I jealous, but I'm also mesmerized. I'd probably never get anything done - I'd just sit there and watch the pretty colors go around...

Mona Buonanotte said...

Sue needs to tell us where she got that mesmerizing thing!

Gordo said...

That's about 1000 times cooler than the one that I have. No lights on mine. :-(

Anonymous said...

We have a variation on the theme that isn't a fan, but a handheld bit of silliness. The lights spin, and it plays a song that greatly amuses Thing Two and me, but drives everyone else crazy.

Anonymous said...

very pretty. explains why you haven't been posting much. have the cats seen it?

You know, I didn't see that when I was desperate to find something for my husband for Christmas...there were lots of USB gadgety things, but apparently they know the market for fans is hot women.

Dianne said...

I AM jealous - not only is it beautiful but you got it to work!

furiousBall said...

holy crap give me that. i have to have that thing.

Princess in Galoshes said...

Ooooh. Pretty colors. I am easily entertained, that thing would be dangerous!!!

Candy said...

That rocks! And I could, frankly, use one.

Diane Mandy said...

Sweet! Does it keep the computer cooler at the same time? Mine about burns my lap by the time I'm done reading all my blogs.

fiwa said...

I AM jealous. Lookit all the pretty colors. I seriously need a fan like that for work, they've been running the heater like there's no tomorrow.

Anette said...

I want! Enough said...

tt said...

Am I soo behind the times that I've just never seen those??? How cool!!! I wonder if they have something like that, that that clips around the neck? You know, for those "private summer" moments?

meno said...

flutter, i know, pretty!

jen, oh ha ha. Me at burning man. Ha ha.

liv, the fan helps squelch that hotness.

casdok, it really is.

maggie, and i get about the sane amount of pleasure from both.

mrs. chili, when it is on, it's difficult for me to look anywhere else.

mona, i will ask her when i see her next and get back to you.

gordo, the lights are just the best.

daisy, i need a handheld one too, for when i am away from the computer. But no music please.

de, oh the cats are a riot. They fear it and try and sneak up on it and kill it. So far the fan has emerged victorious.

wng, oh good. If you are jealous, i am happy. :)

dianne, i just had to plug it in and turn it on. Even i can manage that.

furious, ha ha ha ha ha ha (done in a sing-song) I know, isn't it the coolest thing ever?

princess, i too am easily amused. Just watching the patterns change is enough for me. Plus these pictures are unable to capture the full range of the display.

candy, you have my deepest sympathy. I am right there with you.

diane, i don't think so. I have my laptop on a cutting board on my lap so i can use the normal mouse. So i haven't noticed the warmness of the laptop.

fiwa, maybe you can get work to pay for one.

anette, i understand, if i didn't have one, i would want one too.

tt, private summer!!! ha ha ha! More like "private sauna."

sari said...

Oh that is cool! How fun!

TTQ said...

Dude! Flashbacks! I've been looking for something legal to get that effect again..

Must get one and plug it in Honey's USB!! his puter is next to mine and the cpu is on his desk, mine is under my desk..

Do you have the salvia plant in WA? Apparently not only is it pretty but hallcenigenic (bad speller) for about an hour. They are thinking of making it illegal here in FL. Must find some...

Say It said...

oooh, ahhhhh, ohhhhhh. Very nice! Its good to be loved!

Allison Horner said...

OMG! That is soo cool!! LOVE IT!

heartinsanfrancisco said...

I am jealous. Very, very jealous.
I have never seen a combination personal fan and kaleidoscope before.

Whoever Sue is, she totally rocks.

Heather said...

What a pretty, pretty fan!

Lynn said...

I am not only jealous...but I also want to know how you can manage to concentrate on anything other than the wonderful patterns that your fan makes.

Lynn said...

I am also jealous that I didn't think of that first! waaaaa

Lucia said...

Ha! I have a quite proper co-worker who will, in the middle of a meeting, whip out a li'l battery operated fan in the middle of a meeting. It doesn't have magnificent colors like this though!

I was thinking about your previous posts about the flotsam and jetsam that washes up near you while I walked on the shore at Whidbey Island and looked at the goobers washed up there.

urban-urchin said...

that's really cool! I half expect the next pics to be you at your own mini rave in your living room!

peevish said...

ooh, trippy!

Anonymous said...

I'm not jealous. I have a USB personal vibe...er...shoulder massager. True.

Dick said...

I've seen the little battery powered ones but not a USB device and none with the LEDs. I am not jealous but it is neat. How about a solar powered one? It would work great in my sunroom. Except there is no sun today except the liquid type.

Anonymous said...

i think i'm having a flashback.

100 Thoughts of Love said...

Well i am jealous as well...cool distraction, no pun intended.

ms chica said...

Sure it's nice, but does it vibrate? Hell, forget vibrating, can it stain a deck?

Anonymous said...

Very pretty.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool. I would love to invent some perfectly unexpected but incredibly useful gadget and retire to a mountain cabin to count my money.

Daphne Enns said...

I bought my son one of the hand held ones mentioned earlier. It makes amazing patterns but could take out an eye.

Someone gave you the "safe" no sweat version. Very thoughtful.

I would like to get one for my husband. Sue needs to share her secret with all of us.

luckyzmom said...

Too cool! Cool tool!

crazymumma said...

whoa. let the hot flashes begin!

egan said...

So cool and I didn't even get a seizure. I can't believe I said "so cool" and am now justifying why I typed it. Neat gift.

Mermaid Melanie said...

my son has a hand held one of these. i love them.