As mentioned in a previous whine post, we are thinking about moving. Not for anything job related, but to a smaller space in a condominium.
The biggest appeal this has for me is to reduce the amount of stuff we have. I am a person who likes to throw away/recycle things as fast as possible. Too many things around bother me. If i haven't used it in a year, i don't want it around.
The Mister, on the other hand, does not like to throw things out. In case it might be needed. Someday.
One of my sisters-in-law is like this too. The basement of her house used to be filled up with things like old milk cartons and boxes of magazines. I asked her once why she saved the milk cartons. She said it was in case the kids might need them for a school project.
(I can see this if she thought they might enter into the milk carton derby, but that never happened.) They eventually moved to a house with no basement and had to throw out (literally) tons and tons of stuff. I know because i helped.
I admit that there have been a few times when i got rid of something that i wanted back, but for the most part, i have been happy to part with the stuff.
I have this theory that your stuff expands to fill any space you have. So in reducing the space, i hope to reduce the stuff. Stuff makes me anxious.