Sunday, September 07, 2008

A Prehensile Tale

While cleaning the cage of Em's mice, who for ease of reference will henceforth be known as Those Damn Mice, i noticed how cute they are,

and that their little tails curl around my fingers when i hold them. It's as if Those Damn Mice are trying to hang on, like little monkeys.

There are two of Those Damn Mice. This is the black one. She's fat. The other of Those Damn Mice is white. They are both girls. They have names, which i cannot at present recall.

It's going to be harder to feed Those Damn Mice to the cats now that i've squealed over how cute they are.


Scott from Oregon said...

"It's going to be harder to feed Those Damn Mice to the cats now that i've squealed over how cute they are"...

Yes, but not IMPOSSIBLE...

TTQ said...

1) You are wearing a sweater! Holy Shit!

2) Rename the mice, they probably don't answer to their names anyways, My mom changes the names of her cats... Which is kinda weird since they have heart tags with their names engraved on them.

3) what kinda of life expectancy do they have anyway? They'll be dead before Em gets out of college and take them back...

furiousBall said...

that mouse has a worm coming out of it's butt... or that's it's tail

flutter said...

little mice noses are so friggin cute. It'll be a shame when the cat eats them....;p

meno said...

scott, i sure hope so!

ttq, 1) it's COLD here, well, slightly cool anyway. 2) I want to name the black one salt and the white one pepper. 3) Too damned long!

furious, i should cut off their tales with a carving knife.

flutter, the way they twitch slays me.

Lynnea said...

um have you checked your temp? you don't have a fever or anything do you?

oh and since they are girls, the names should be Salt and Peppa. Just my two cents. Hee hee.

Side note: I love your hands.

Vanessa said...

That's the spirit! Also? Envious of your ability to wear a sweater right now, we are still in shorts down here.

luckyzmom said...

I do not believe you would feed those mice to your cats.

That said, I once put my daughter's hamster behind the drapes, temporarily, when I was having people over. We forgot they were there and they died. It haunts me to this day, and it was an accident. How much worse it would feel if it were done on purpose.

Anonymous said...


Don't you DARE feed those babies to the kitties. Don't do it!

I'll send you the little bastard that's taken up residence under my sink instead.

Anonymous said...

does no one know a rat when they see one? gah!

peevish said...

My friend used to have a big white pet rat with enormous testicles, named Archibald. Of course, we called him Archiball, and she would let him crawl all over her whilst dragging his "parts" beneath him. Well, they were so big he couldn't lift them.

That was almost 20 years ago and I still cringe just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Creeping me out. I've got them sneaking around my house chewing on things. I'll leave them a note telling them they're welcome at your house. What was the address again? Oh, wait. You're moving. By the time they walked there....

Schmoopie said...

Rodents. Nope. Can't do rodents.

You have my blessing to feed them to your wonderful kitties!

Say It said...

If you squeal over them much more, you'll have to start calling them "those damn cute mice".

Girlplustwo said...

i love mice.

jaded said...

Here Mousey Mousey......Oh Mousey Mousey....I promise I'll be good.

crazymumma said...

oh my gawd, they are soooo cute. My little one would be crosseyed with furry animal love for them.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Minnie and... Minnie?

ETK said...

OMG! SQUEEEEEEEEEE - those are Meno hands! How exciting!!! :) I can't believe you are wearing a sweater. It's September. It was 90 degrees today here. Wow.

THOSE DAMN MICE are really cute.

Clowncar said...

That is so wrong (insert disapproving glare here).

meno said...

maggie, you see we had the samw idea for their names.

vanessa, i was wearing shorts AND a sweater.

luckyzmom, you know i would never hurt them. Right? that is such a sad story. :( I absolve you of guilt.

nancy, umm, no thanks, i don't need no stinkin' mice. (At least not any more stinkin' mice.)

de, thems are not rats!!! YOu take that back.

peevish, that really is disgusting. Yuck. Parts should not be that big.

daisy, NO NO NO NO NO! No, no more Damn Mice.

schmoopie, that's too bad because i was going to bundle them up and bring them to you!

jen, they are pretty cute. Until you get a load of how badly they smell.

patches, are they better than plastic geckos?

hearts, they could get married in your state.

etk, old meno hands. Mine. They are my own.

clowncar, i feel the power of your disapproval.

Dianne said...

they're adorable, don't feed the cats - think of all the guilt the cats will feel, then the therapy ... it's not worth it

just hang with them, they like you, they really like you

Mona Buonanotte said...

I'm sorry, I know they're pets and all, and in a way I can see them as cute, but having grown up in the country where mice are otherwise known as 'vermin', and having my share of run-ins with the critters whereupon they scare the livin' bejeebus outta me, I can't watch. (shudder)

Cheesy said...

And I sit here and wonder.. what happened to meno's poor finger??

Tink said...

I like domestic rats. My fourth grade class had two pet rats. We fed one of them healthy food and the other one junk as an experiment. As you can guess, the one who ate junk food got really fat. But our teacher didn't keep them long enough for us to find out which lived longer, so I always thought the fat rat got the better deal.

Diane Mandy said...

They *are* cute! I never got that close to find out!

Brad said...

There must be some useful employment you can find around the house for those two.

Mother-in-law coming to visit anytime soon?

egan said...

I want Patches as a housesitter.

jaded said...

Send me one and I'll let you know.

Liv said...

i can't explain why, but that mouse makes me want to vomit.

meno said...

dianne, i know, i just wish i didn't have to take care of them. sigh, the things we do for love.

mona, my cats kill three or four rodents each week. So it makes no sense that i am sheltering these two.

cheesy, i bashed whilst rooting around in my pots and pans.

tink, better to live a sort and glorious life huh?

diane, coward!

brad, nope, no MIL. But i might use them in some other appropriate situation.

egan, heh! That would take care of the problem. :)

patches, FedEx is on its way.

liv, sorry to hear that. They really are cute.

sari said...

They are cute, but I'm in shock that you're actually wearing a SWEATER!

It's supposed to be cool here today, only 99!! I'm wearing pants! I'm so excited!

Mrs4444 said...

Yes, the pet variety are pretty cute. I would probably freak out if one were in my house uninvited, though!