Thursday, March 05, 2009


Why do we post pictures of ourselves being silly with a person we love? Is it to prove to other people that someone loves us? See! See! Someone smiles with me!

Or is it to prove it to ourselves? I think the latter.

Too anxiety ridden to write anything much. A situation that is not that big of a deal has us anxious. The Mister and i are not good with any sort of uncertainty. Kind of removes the possibility of
relocating to the jungle.

A Stand Off witnessed this morning:

An immature bald eagle landed on our dock. As i looked out the window, i noticed it was hopping around on our dock rather oddly. Then i noticed that there were about thirty coots huddled under the dock, seeking shelter from the bird of prey. The bird would stay in one place for a while, and the coots, being silly birds, would forget that they were the hunted, and would start to ooze out from under the dock. Then the eagle would hop over to where they were oozing, and they would contract back under the dock, practically flying over the water.

I watched this stand off for about 10 minutes, then we had to go. I wonder whether the result was hunger for the eagle, or death for a coot.


Anonymous said...

look at the pretty girls having fun! what has gotten into you lately, allowing us to see your face? I'm not complainin, just sayin...

I hope your situation eases soon. many hugs

flutter said...

you guys are adorable.

sari said...

I don't know about the birds...but I LOVE that picture!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Just yay!

Mrs. Chili said...

We take silly pictures of ourselves smiling with people we love so that, later, we can look at the pictures and smile AGAIN.

Gordo said...

What a great picture!

Bob said...

why can't it be something as simple as - I like this picture and I want to share this feeling with others? It doesn't have to be complicated.

I hope your anxious situation is resolved soon.

Anonymous said...

now I'm smiling, too.

hope it's over soon. are you relating to the coots or the hungry eagle?

The Real Mother Hen said...

That's a good picture though. And the smiles are so bright and cheery.

Looking at the picture, I'll prefer to think that they are smiling at ME, not you :)

furiousBall said...

what a seriously great pair of smiles!

meno said...

holly, who knows what has gotten into me. It's not like anyone would know me from this, unless they already did.

flutter, why, thank you.

sari, thank you. Those poor coots. I wonder what happened.

nancy, yay? Wherefor yay?

mrs. chili, true enough. It does make me smile.

gordo, thanks. We were messin' around on the bus.

bob, oh you know, i always have to make everything so complicated. It's a fault of mine.

de, oh good! I feel like the coots.

mother hen, we are smiling at you!

furious, thanks van!

Clowncar said...

what a melancholy comment to go with such a glorious picture.

like the way you used the word "ooze"

egan said...

Yeah, the picture is alright. I mean I've seen better. I kid. Hey, nothing wrong with sharing cute pictures. It's half my blog content.

See, I'm not sure you'll see that sort of stuff in the concrete jungle. It will be a bit different, but will give you more voyeuristic opportunities.

Anonymous said...

What a great photo! Cuuuute, the both of ya!

I have to say, I'm proud of you for not scaring the eagle away and letting Nature take its course. Me, I'd have had a whole crisis over it.

Cheesy said...

What fresh faces!

crazymumma said...

oh. a face. neat. Oh I like that....

I hope whatever is going on resolves itself.

Schmoopie said...

I really like M's glasses. Waaay cool.

We saw a bald eagle soaring over my workplace this week. What a privilege to see them right where we live. Even in the city.

Mrs4444 said...

Love the shot! Wish I had the words to make your concern even smaller. Good luck, Meno.

ETK said...

OMG! That's YOU! And your daughter! WOW! I'm so excited. You are even more beautiful than I'd imagined. :) You are both beautiful.

I don't know why, but I've always pictured you as a brunette.

I don't think we post pictures for either of those two reasons though. I think we do it because they make up happy - not to prove anything to anyone.

I hope everything works out. Can you share your anxiety? Talk though it?

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo Meno, she looks just like you. Hope the anxiety level goes down.

meno said...

clowncar, we are just a study in contradictions here.

egan, yeah, your baby is pretty cute. I'll see different stuff.

irr, thanks! I wanted to pull a chair up to the window aqnd watch the show. Does that make me bloodthirsty?

cheesy, we were having a silly moment.

crazymumma, yes, our very own faces. Mine and the one i made.

schmoopie, no matter how many times we see a bald eagle around here, we all stop what we are doing to ooh and ahh.

mrs. 4444, oh, we're just the worrying type.

etk, you are not the first to think i had dark hair. I wonder why? Dark thought=dark hair?

deb, thanks. She does look a bit like me, but there are elements of her dad in there too.

Scott from Oregon said...

Eagles qualify as an "ooh ooh" bird.

We have an Osprey that we say "ooh ooh" over all the time...

lu said...

I'm so happy to have an image of the two of you. You are both so lovely. Proof. I'd give a lot to have some proof about now. I'd give more to have the esteem to care less.

Really beautiful. Sweet.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

You and Em are both perfectly beautiful, and you look so happy. I'm so glad you shared this day-brightener.

It's always hard to know who to root for when animals do their predator-prey thing. I know the former need food but I so wish they wouldn't feast on the latter. Especially in front of me.