Tuesday, July 28, 2009


It's hot enough here that i have retreated outside to a lawn chair in the shade. I know other places are hotter, but most people here do not have air conditioning, so 100 degrees F is pretty F-ing hot.

I don't spend much time sitting outside in our yard. I realize that this is sad because as i sit here, quietly reading, the wildlife that i normally miss because i am blundering around carrying a hose or a shovel, has forgotten i am here.

A bunny hopped right by me, about a foot from my chair. (Good thing my cat is too hot too move, as he likes bunnies.) Normally i squeal when i see a bunny, but this time i managed to just watch him hopple by, nipping at the grass as he went.

Off to my left, several birds are cooling off by splashing in the creek.

The douglas firs have a whole tiny forest growing on their trunks.

An opportunistic bit of grass and a baby maple tree are the first signs of a tree trunk reverting to soil.

In the lawn, an bright orange bug sits on a white mushroom.


The Real Mother Hen said...

That's a poisonous mushroom! (I think, but don't believe in what I think)

Rear a hen in your yard, you may enjoy it more, ehehe

Lynnea said...

I squealed for you.

flutter said...

I love a freakin bunny.

Anonymous said...

It's been hot here as well. Thankfully today was cooler.

meno said...

mother hen, i was not going to eat it, i promise!

maggie, how could you not! It's a BUNNY!

flutter, oh yeah, bunny love.

deb, not here, and tomorrow will be hotter. Ick!

Scott from Oregon said...

That orange bug was tripping too...

nick said...

Wonderful pic of the bug in the grass. It makes the grass look like a tropical rain forest. Mind you, if you're not out in your yard much, maybe it IS a tropical rain forest.

The Real Mother Hen said...

I swear, the first thought that came to my mind when I woke up this morning was your mushroom shot.

Are you using an SLR?

Cheesy said...

I think I woke up in Arizona.... THIS SUCKS!
Can I come hang out in your yard? Funny story~ One Easter we were hanging out in the front 40 while the kidlettes were egg hunting and a bunny hopped across their path... just as Otto the great orange hunter cruised by. It took years for the kids to get over the trauma of him killing the "Easter Bunny"

Anonymous said...

Laughing at Cheesy.

I feel your pain - it is so humid here, I'm actually browsing in stores just to be in the sub-zero a/c.

jaded said...

We have three bunnies that frequent the neighborhood, but they are not so bold as your bunny.

It's sounds as if we have reversed weather patterns, but don't be misled, I don't want 95 back.

Bob said...

Is this at the new place, or the old place?

sari said...

The only watching of the outdoors we do from here is from the inside of our pool (which is fastly approaching hot bath temperature! ha ha - but still is what makes living here bearable right now).

Great pics.

meno said...

scott, DUDE!

nick, more like a desert right now.

mother hen, Naw, just my Canon point and shoot, set on macro.

cheesy, oh man! I hear you. 100+ degrees today. Ha ha! Your cat killed the Easter Bunny! On Easter! In front of your kids!

de, yeah, i might be reduced to hanging out at the mall today.

jaded, Your weather called, it wants to come home. You can HAVE it back.

bob, old, haven't moved yet. New place has AC.

sari, i'll be watching it from the lake today.

Anonymous said...

those pictures are gorgeous! it sounds so serene and peaceful...kinda makes ya wonder why we don't slow down and breathe more often.

Mrs4444 said...

Oh, man, I LOVE that mushroom shot! Awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping the rain, dammit. You can't have it back. There is moss in my yard now M.O.S.S. First CO summer I've enjoyed in 16 years.

Nancy CrotchetyPants(heh) signing off.

Robin said...

you lost me at "most people here don't have a/c".

i prefer to remain ignorant of such places, thank you.

this will probably give me nightmares. thanks again.

colleen said...

Meanwhile, I'm here in VA still wearing socks, it's been such a cool summer. I love how nature is always just there waiting for us to take a deep breath and arrive.

meno said...

holly, a good question. One to think about.

mrs 4444, thank you! I like it too.

nancy, you send that rain right back right now young lady! Or i'll have to give you a time out.

robin, i've lived here for 30 years, and this is the first time i've ever WANTED a/c.

colleen, i feel like nature loves to take our assumptions, turn them back on us and let us know who's really in charge. It ain't us.

Dick said...

Nice closeup and macro photos! We also have bunnies and I've thought about getting out the air pistol to try to modify their behavior regarding our yard, or more accurately, our garden. They don't seem to like the veggies but sure go after the flowers. We had to fence those raised beds in just to try to protect them.

Yes, it is warm. Too warm. Record setting warm. That's why I don't even consider going to Arizona in the summer.

QT said...

Great pics. I feel cooler already!

Erin, Tara and Shannon said...

great observational photos....the lighting on the first one is incredible. Probably just the flash, huh? I'm easily entertained....

hope it cools down for you. not bad here - the fog creeps in when the other lands get hot....

luckyzmom said...

My husband and I have been talking sympathetically about how no one has AC there and that if we move back he wants to have AC for the brief time it is needed in the summer because he has gotten spoiled being away for over thirty years. It should assure us of lots of company during that time!

heartinsanfrancisco said...

I love the persistence of the baby tree growing out of the roots of a cut trunk. And bunnies... what's not to love about bunnies?

meno said...

dick, you leave those bunnies alone you big meanie! Arizona might be a relief after this week. Yeesh!

qt, you are already way cool.

erin and etc, yeah, that was the flash on the water drops. Pretty cool though.

luckyzmom, after this heat wave, i would totally advise getting AC.

hearts, it has a circle of life meaning to me, the grass growing on the trunk.