Friday, December 01, 2006

Back to your regularly scheduled nonsense.

I’m not going to do a post today.

Because i don’t have to in order to fulfill some quixotic promise that i made to myself and no one else cares about.

But there are chores that have been left undone. I have several blogs that i need to add to my sidebar and a few to remove. I want my sidebar to reflect blogs that i actually read, and not some “friends” list. Hopefully it’s a constantly evolving entity. But at this point, i haven’t added several places that i found and now read often. Maybe tomorrow. Or else i’ll go hiking.

But for this day i want to be with my family and catch up on my reading.


Lucia said...

You are too funny!! So are you really, really not going to do a post today? Tee hee!

Anonymous said...

It's cool you're not doing a post today. I'm not going to comment on it either.

meno said...

lucia, nope. no post.

hanni, thank you for not commenting.

thailandchani said...

I didn't see a post here. :)


Anonymous said...

even in a non-post, you're a good read.

Mother of Invention said...

Good for you, takin' a wee break. I never really knew or understood the reason for doing the daily Nov. post. Guess it was discipline, but I knew I couldn't force writing and I don't want to see it as a chore. It's amazing that so many post daily. It's even more amazing if I get around to reading the ones I'd like to every day! I'm sometimes late getting to them..different time zones etc., but I really do find yours enlightening and very worthwhile. Thanks.

Lynnea said...

I saw nothing! No words, no post, no Meno personality. Nothing. Nada.

I wasn't here.

amusing said...

You know, you are so damn selfish. People out there are going through withdrawal now that NaBloPoMo is over and people have abandoned the everyday post. And you decide to go read a book instead of writing a post we can all comment about. We come here and the page is blank. Nothing. No inspiration. No insights. Nothing. Oh. Well, I guess I could go read a book too. I guess we could all walk away from our computers and go for a hike. WOw? Is that the sun? Oh. Are those my kids? The fog in my brain lifts. Resist the blog!

Antonia Cornwell said...

No comment.

Shit. Hänni got there first.

Anonymous said...


Imez said...

That's one of the reasons I never linked any blogs to mine. I couldn't bare the idea of having to remove the ones that just weren't that good after awhile. That and I don't care to learn to use the links thingy.

You'd be on there, though.

Anonymous said...

Hiking sounds divine.

My quixotic promise to myself (carving a walking path through the rubble of my home) won't let me play, however.

Congratulations on the NaBlo achievement! I didn't make the survivor cut, but I have nothing but a feeling of unity for those who did.

Platypus said...

I rather felt like that yesterday too. Good on you. :0)

Mona Buonanotte said...

"Quixotic"...I think I need to read more of you....

Mrs. Chili said...

can you teach me to put up a blogroll?

I feel much the same as you do - I spent today getting stuff done and goofing off with my children. I still found time to post on my blogs, though - I'm hoping to keep up the habit as long as I still find it usefull to my practice as a writer...

meno said...

chani, good, me either

holly, aren't you nice!

MOI, there really wasn't any reason beyond a personal challenge, and to be a part of what there is to be a part of. And thanks for the compliment. That's really nice to hear.

maggie, i can always count on you to not see what isn't there, and to not read it either.

amusing, so sorry. (but the hike was great, it's a beautiful day here today and i was about to expire of rickets around here with the lack of vitamin D.)

antonia, that's ok, it still made me smile.

nancy, as my mother used to say "that's not what a nice young lady would do." right on you!

esereth, i understand what you are saying, but it would be ok with me if someone removed me from their sidebar if they lose interest in reading, and so i hope it's ok with someone else if i do the same. And thank you. :)

jennifer, hiking was divine. sigh. My soul needed that. Thank you, and you were really cut down by your travel, not a lack of committment. And there's always next year!

platypus, yeah, we needed a breather.

mona, i like to use funny words.

mrs. chili, i can teach you to put links in your sidebar, but there's some web site that does a real blogroll and you have to sign up for it and i don't know anything about it. If you want some help on the sidebar links though, send me an e-mail.

amusing said...

hey -- so do you and all the other succesful NaBloPoMo post-a-dayers get a medal, or a certificate of achievement to hang on your ether wall now?

Anonymous said...

That's one of the reasons I never linked any blogs to mine. I couldn't bare the idea of having to remove the ones that just weren't that good after awhile. That and I don't care to learn to use the links thingy.: Esereth

I had a really hard time with the sidebar thing. Mine has all the people I enjoy reading. The ones I've removed are those that disappear, no longer posting. It was a major concern to have one because it seemed kind of icky and political. These things can get a little weird. Who goes where and so on. I finally decided to make them alphabetical. Patricia remained at the top because she is my elder/teacher and deserves the place of respect (it's a Thai thing) ... but I really did struggle with the whole idea. Everyone will go through phases of being good and not being good. Sometimes I wish they could be hidden. If anyone knows how, let me know. :)



karmic said...

Good that you have no post, but this is a post no?

meno said...

amusing, there's a button for the people who made it. I've just been too lazy to put it up yet. And there are various odd prizes which i could theoretically win, but probably won't.

chani, i don't know how to hide them. I'm not too techy.

sanjay, didn't you see The Matrix? There is no post.

Andrea Frazer said...

In protest for your non-post, I gave up on reading you for almost a week. Now I am overdue, so look out.