Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Pillow talk

Ok, on to more serious stuff.

It's Wednesday already! That's enough!

I don't know why but this one silly little hour has kicked my butt. I usually wake up about a half an hour before the radio turns on and then twitch and wiggle for a while. Does this annoy the Mister? I am sure it doesn't.

The Mister gets up at 6:30 and leaves the house with Em at 6:50. (There is not much prep time required. I need more tme, but i am MUCH MORE attractive when i do leave.)

I usually get up right after they leave and make tea and feed the cats (not in that order.) But this week i have lain there in a stupor so long each morning that i risk being late to whatever awaits me that day. Which is not like me because i hate being late. It also causes the cats to stomp on my head and loudly voice their opinions. Which causes me to resort to the flying pillow trick. Which buys me another 30 seconds.

We just need more pillows on the bed.


Lucia said...

This is SERIOUS! Cats stomping on your head?

Special K ~Toni said...

It must be in the air! I have been dragging butt all week- don't really care lately if I'm late, what's anybody gonna do? NUTTIN'

Put tape on their tails, that should buy you at least 2 minutes!

Anonymous said...

There has been sleeping here! Sleeeping. Ah. No cats stomping. Almost heaven (if you believe in such a place).

Anonymous said...

Heck, you don't need more pillows, Meno. Just some cat chow near the pillows. Ummm... or not quite so near the pillows.

meno said...

lucia, that's when i try to teach them how to fly.

toni, i get anxious when i am late. Can you say "anal retentive"?

de, i hate you. And i mean that in the nicest way.

ortizzle, maybe i could just throw a handful of dry cat food at them.

Anonymous said...

Coat the cat food in peanut butter. It prevents them from meowing you awake.

Of course they might buy steel-toed Doc Martens after that...

I don't like this time change thing either.

Platypus said...

Dry cat food rocks! Yes, that's the way to shut them up for a bit. Mine does exactly the same thing at the weekends when I'd just like an hour or so longer in bed...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we're experiencing a bit of a cat problem lately. The weather has risen above "Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ, but it's cold out here!" temperature, and one of the four cats has decided that he needs to be out in it. RIGHT NOW. At four in the morning. Of course, it has to be the cat with the loudest voice, too. My husband got up, grumbling swear words under his breath, to let the beast out, all the while complaining that the critter had meowed its way into his dreams.

We want a do-over for the last two hours of this morning.

Lynn said...

I am having a difficult time with the time change too...could it be because it is still DARK outside when I wake up? ...Just a thought...couldn't the Mister take the cats out of your bedroom and close the door when he leaves? ... Problem solved!

thailandchani said...

The time change thing has kicked me silly! Fortunately, I can go with it and stay in bed until my body is ready to get up. Everything still feels an hour off.



jaded said...

Uh huh, the bed dance. A small water pistol is highly effective....Only used twice. Now she rolls over the side of the bed and shows it to me......that enough to make me wait patiently in the hall.

Girlplustwo said...

you make me laugh. perhaps you can rig a tent of sorts over your head. a sleeping canopy?

Dick said...

Cats can be very demanding. But they are worth it.

Marshamlow said...

There is no time change at all in Japan, or Indiana, or Arizona, or Hawaii, it is lovely!

egan said...

More pillows on a bed? Shit, that's my worst fear. I need to add that to my list of phobias, pillows that breed.

meno said...

nancy, excellent idea, peanut butter it is. Might mess up the carpet, but it will be worth it.

platypus, On the weekends i just make the Mister get up and boot them out the door.

mrs.chili, four cats? I thought i was nuts with three. I'm going to be the crazy old lady with 27 cats.

lynn, the dark is an unpleasant surprise. It had JUST started to get light in the mornings and now this. I blame Congress. I was thinking the Mister could lock them in the garage..... But then they leave little mud roses all over my car.

chani, i could if i didn't have my early morning fab club. Grrrr.

patches, Excellent excellent idea. I'm off to the toy store.

jen, or an electric fence.

dick, i know they are. They are usually extremely cuddly, except when food deprived.

marsha, yes, but there is in Mississippi!

QT said...

I have been sleeping in until the obscene hour of 7:00 am - I am usually up by 5 am are not alone.

luckyzmom said...

Maybe I'll move to Arizona or Indiana (Japan is too expensive).

We decided to go catless after our last two died. I wouldn't say I miss being startled awake by a cat sitting on my face. But, I do imagine I hear one jump down from something when an icecube drops in the icemaker or such. And I don't like to do yardwork anymore because I miss our golden retriever sitting on my feet.

Lynnea said...

I'm jealous of the empty house you command. The tea in bed. But not the cats stomping on your head. Attitudes!

Special K ~Toni said...

Hey! Why not have the mister feed them? Or maybe Em?

Spenser said...

Not that this will necessarily solve you problems.. but it's interesting nonetheless..


urban-urchin said...

I hate daylight savings for this reason alone. And I don't even have cats that stomp on my head.

Anonymous said...

Our clocks go back an hour this weekend. Technically we get an hour's sleep in, but technically my kids don't know what Daylight Savings is.

Mona Buonanotte said...

We lock our cat in the basement at night to avoid the we just endure the banging-on-the-basement-door-with-my-paws-dangit noise....

A friend of mine used to keep a strong cup of cold coffee near his bed, so when he woke up every morning, he could fill himself full of bad-tasting caffeine, and that would get him out of bed. I thought that was a dangerous idea....

karmic said...

Your cats have some attitude! I wish I could get tea in bed..someday..sigh!

peevish said...

What you need is a pillow cannon. Rapid-fire if possible.

meno said...

egan, most of ours end up on the floor by morning anyway, and not just because i throw them at the cats.

qt, i wonder why we need 2 hours of sleep to recover from a one hour change. Maybe it's all in our heads? Nah!

luckyzmom, i think about the freedom that being catless would provide. But i sure get alot of pleasure out of them.

maggie, it IS lovely. I have my tea beside me now.

toni, did you read the part about how they get up at 6:30 and leave 20 minutes later? They are both always in a huge rush. They are actually supposed to leave at 6:45. Normally it's not a problem as i am awake. Just not this week.

spenser, but i don't WANNA get up! I would probably throw that puppy against the wall after the first day.

urban-urchin, i do love that extra hour in the fall though. I milk that for a week.

d-man, maybe if you explained it to them? Maybe not!

mona, my cats are spoiled. I would spill that coffee all over everything.

sanjay, i didn't get to have tea in bed for a long time. It is nice.

lisa, oh i like that idea!

AC said...

My whole body system is rebelling this time over the time change. Why is that? I get up at 5, so it feels like 4. My cats are still snoozing away when the day before the change they were sitting bedside giving me the super stare.

Lee said...

I'm stunned by how nice people are to their pets. My poor dog knows he has to stay on his blanket on the end of the bed, or it's out of my bedroom entirely. I don't feel bad for him at all! ;)

Anonymous said...

You know, it's Thursday now.

Which I only just learned, after spending the entire morning thinking it was Friday.

Talk about deflating.

Andrea Frazer said...

I am right there with you, Meno. Perhaps you need to go with your feeling and sleep. You might be fighting something? Or... are you drinking more caffeine than usual? It causes a crash in the morning. I should know.

egan said...

Damn you and your crazy sex Meno.

meno said...

ac, i know that stare. It can cut through steel.

lee, but they're so CUTE! Plus either i leave them outside all night, where they might get eaten by a raccoon, or they demand service first thing in the morning. They're not spoiled, they're NOT!

jennifer, that is bad. Here you were all ready for the weekend.

mamap, i don't do caffeine really at all. So that can't be it. I think i'm just a whiner. Wah wah wah.

egan, you know, you made a comment ablut my blog having a (and i quote) "sex vibe" on your blog the other day. I was all "ME? I don't think so." Now i see it's YOU who takes my PERFECTLY INNOCENT words and twists them all around to sound dirty. Cool!

heartinsanfrancisco said...

My cat has been stomping me for a long time. She first walks through my hair, then stomps me right at the hairline so it cannot be ignored. Sometimes she walks over my face. I try not to think of where those little white feet have been. If this doesn't work, she screeches in my ear, then rattles the handles on an antique trunk that serves as a bedside table. She bats around some electric cords, and for the piece de resistance, she loudly chomps on my palm trees. One of the above is sure to get results.

She seems to have adjusted her internal clock perfectly. She starts her performance an hour later by the clock now, but still way too early for me.

Joan said...

I've been dragging all week which probably explains why I haven't been online or blogging much. I keep hoping this time-change thing will right itself eventually.

egan said...


Mother of Invention said...

I'm now weirded out because I know I commented here and it's not here!!
Anyway...because we close our door to avoid 2 cats sleeping at the foot of our bed cramping my long-legged style, we have to hear their morning scratching on the door and meowing very audible "Good Mornings" to us!
Kind of subs in for an alarm clock!