Thursday, April 05, 2007

In which i am questioned

I asked for 5 questions from Jen and here they are, along with my attempts at answers. That Jen, she is no pushover. Not a "What's your favorite color?" among these.

1. You've decided to run for president. Who would you choose as your VP, and why?

Ignoring the fact that i could never be president because i inhaled, my first thought was Colin Powell but he would have to grow some balls first. But then, because i haven't the chance of a pickpocket in a nudist colony of getting elected, i think i will go with Al Franken, because he would keep us laughing.

2. If you suddenly found yourself homeless and had no money or friends for to find a safe place to sleep, where would you go for the night, and why?

I have this nightmare sometimes..... I have no freaking idea. None whatsoever. I wouldn't go downtown because it's dangerous, even though that's where the shelters are. I would probably hide somewhere in a neighborhood that was familiar, so i would feel safer. From my volunteer work, i know that the YMCA near our house offers temporary housing, except on Wednesdays (is that insane?). So i hope it's not Wednesday.

3. The place you want to see most in the world, but don't think you'll ever manage to travel to?

There is nowhere in this world that i want to go that i don't think i'll ever manage to get to. I have the optimism that if i really want to go anywhere, i will. The Mister and i are looking forward to being able to travel more when Em hies herself off to college.

4. If you had one "do-over", what would it be, if anything?

I wouldn't have gotten married so young. I should have spent some time trying to be on my own after college, instead of marrying right away. I would have known that i can take care of myself instead of having to learn it 12 years later. But learn it i did. I don't regret anything from my marriage now, either Em or The Mister, but i wish i had gone about it differently.

5. If you could break bread with anyone (still alive) in the world today, who would it be? And who else would you invite to the meal?

What? No dead people at dinner? I guess they aren't very good at conversation and they smell bad. (You know, i think i sat next to a dead person last week at one of The Mister's work events.)

But i digress, i would like to have dinner with Marjane Satrapi, the author of the graphic novel Persepolis and other books. She grew up in Tehran and her parents sent her away when she was 14 for her own safety. How interesting would that be?

As for who else i would invite, it would be you. Come on, it'll be fun!


Princess in Galoshes said...

Oooh! I am the first commenter on a Meno blog! Exciting. I better hurry....

And careful about what you offer. One of these days I am going to show my underemployed self up on your doorstep, demanding dinner, because you said I was invited on your blog.

Special K ~Toni said...

Great answers! I wouldn't want to be President either. It would require a bra.

jaded said...

Hmmm, if I decided to run for president, I wouldn't be me which would create an entirely different dilemma...I completely understand you answer for #4. Sometimes I think marriage is like the movie, Groundhog Day. We just keep doing the same sh*t over and over until we get it right. Only in real life, you don't get it right so much as you learn who you are and who your partner is and how to forgive each other.

amusing said...

When is the Seattle assembly and who has been signed the task of reporting?

meno said...

princess, come on over. We'll play with the cats and eat red velvet cupcakes. There will be wine.

toni, you couldn't pay me enough to be president. In fact, i think that anyone who wants to be president shouldn't be allowed to be because there is obviously something VERY WRONG with them. Plus the bra thing.

patches, you can say shit here, just don't do it here. Hey! Get out of that potted plant!...segue...about marriage, that is all true. And if you are smart, you realize that the grass is not greener.

amusing, it's sometime in May. I think Nancy is here around the 7th. I don't know if there is an assigned reporter. My guess is that we will all have something to say. I know i will. You coming? You can stay here.

Girlplustwo said...

colin powell lost my confidence in 2003...but prior, yes.

i'd be at that table, for sure.

terrific answers, friend.

Bob said...

ditto on colin powell.

I'm in for dinner, I'll bring some of my home-brewed beer.

I haven't heard Al Frankin's radio show, but I've read his book. It'll be interesting to see how his campaign goes.

QT said...

Love these answers, meno. And couldn't you sleep in one of those huge Nordstrom's bathrooms downtown? The ones with the couches and lounging areas?

jaded said...

meno, I don't know why I bothered with the asterisk , I never use one at home. Grass is so overrated....but a bonsai tree makes a most excellent hors douvres.

Lynn said...

#2. Finding myself homeless, with no money would be tough, but no friends...ouch, that would really hurt. Luckily, you've invited me, as well as all of blogland to I know I won't go hungry... and maybe I would be able to find someone at the dinner who would let me stay at their house. Thanks...

Schmoopie said...

I was married young as well. I also discovered, much later, that being on my own would be okay too. My comfort level was not there when I was younger so I am glad my life has unfolded as it has.

Anonymous said...

Yup. I'm with you on #4. I wish I had defied my parents and just moved out here without marrying O first. I really needed to learn to fend for myself. My time in Chicago wasn't long enough.

Email the lovely lady above me, or go to her site. She would like to make arrangements with you for when I'm out there (May 7th -9th).

Anonymous said...

#1. I can't imagine wanting that job. Hard to think of who I'd want to suffer with me.

#2. If I did not have a single friend in the whole world to give me shelter, it really wouldn't matter where I slept. Or maybe I should say I don't have the kind of friends who would look the other way if I became homeless. I have the kind of friends who are actually friends.

#3. I'm with you, Meno. If I really want to go there, I'll get there.

#4.I probably would have started graduate school earlier.

#5.Who would I break bread with? Kurt Vonnegut. And I would invite, say, Madeleine Albright to the meal as well.

gary rith said...

I may give this a try at my blog, Meno. AND, sincerely, if your daughter is somewhere in the east near my studio/shop and you visit her, please stop in and say hello to us.

Lynnea said...

1. I could never be president. They wouldn't have me and even if they did, it would make me nuts.

2. You don't have to worry about being homeless without somewhere to stay...haven't you seen Trading Places? You just find a nice hooker and tell her your woes and she takes you in...

3. Me too!

4. This is tough for me. There are so many...

5. My mind is blank. Isn't that sad?

Kellyology said...

#1: Didn't everyone? I think that perhaps that this country is going to run out of candidates who didn't. lol

#3: I'm with you...what would stop you if you really wanted it?

#4: I agree here too. I got married right out of college as well. A little time alone would have been good. BTW Da Husband agrees as well, but usually when I tell him "NO, we don't need the big screen TV instead of food."

meno said...

jen, yeah, he pretty much blew it didn't he? Thanks for the questions, it was fun.

bob, Ooh, home brewed beer! Yummy. Al is a real smart ass. I like that in a person.

qt, i wonder how the Nordys people would like that. I'm sure it's been done, or tried.

patches, my grandmother used to grow bonsai trees. The thought of them gettting eaten by a cat amuses me. i am not nice.

lynn, i know, not much reason to live without friends.

schmoopie, some things aren't learned until we are forced to learn them. I am no exception to this.

nancy, she and and are communicating behind your back already. :)

ortizzle, i agree, those two would be very fun to talk with. Looks like we agree on the rest.

gary, go ahead, it's fun. If Em ends up in the east we may just do that.

maggie, what kind of sicko would EVER want to be president? It was hard to just pick one for #4.

kelly, #1, we are going to have to stop caring, just like about being divorced. Remember when Thomas Eagletom had to withdraw because he had been treated for depression? That's half the country anymore.

Dick said...

That's a pretty good list of questions. #1 will soon come down to a national lottery and the looser will be stuck with the job. I think #2 is one reason that I like to own an RV. And it is always a possibility due to fire or natural disasters that one might have to move out of their home for awhile. And I'd rather not lean on friends for more than a day or so and wouldn't have to do that at all with my wheelie house. I am really not particularly interested in seeing other places in the world. There is too much I still want to see in my own country. #4- I don't know. There are a few obvious ones like buy houses rather than a sail boat when we sold our business in 1977, but there are not any serious differences I'd do. #5- I'd have to think about this one longer. No one jumps to the front.

urban-urchin said...

i woulda gone to medical school. nice list, you were brave asking Jen for questions....

thailandchani said...

That's an interesting list of questions... :) Agree with everyone on Colin Powell. He's a bit too entrenched ...



Mona Buonanotte said...

I'm invited? Cool! I'll bring chocolate cheesecake and lots of whiskey.

Al Franken...absolutely...yes.

goatman said...

Very honest answers. I just skipped over from another blog to read your words and say hi!

Joan said...

Hmmm...VP...let me think. I think I'd choose my Hubby so we could save the American taxpayers the cost of running two households.

Oh...and what time is dinner?

meno said...

dick, jen is a smart woman and asks great questions. i like your idea for picking the president!

u-u, medical school, wouldn't that have been cool? I am brave.

chani, he could be so cool if he just had a spine.

mona, wouldn't the campaign be a riot? Chocolate cheesecake!!!! Yum.

goatman, thanks for stopping by and hi back.

joan, yes, but who would do all that first spouse stuff?

Mother of Invention said...

You really want all of us?! Okay, potluck it is!

I might have wanted to travel a bit or experience going out with more guys before I got married. I won't get to travel much in the coming years.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

I'm sorry your husband has to work with dead people, but maybe you should ask him to be your Vice President. Nearly everyone in Washington is dead so he'd feel right at home.

And I know you guys would do a much better job than ______. (I took a vow. I can't say his name ever again because it makes me ill.)

I haven't heard of that book. I'll check it out, thanks.

Liv said...

Seriously, girl I hope it's never Wednesday in that sense for any of us.

Also, #4, preaching to the converted, my sister!

thanks for playing!

meno said...

moi, it would have to be a potluck, unless you want cat food. :) I too wish i had dated more before marriage.

hearts, he wasn't really dead. I think. I can't say ______ or listen to him talk either. I think my cat could do a better job.

liv, i know. Wednesday would suck. I knew you'd understand #4. :)

egan said...

Since when is it dangerous downtown? Certain areas aren't great, but by and large our town is fairly safe for a city its size. You could sleep under our deck.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine was meant to sleep on the streets for one night for a newspaper article. But after two hours he decided he couldn't take it and went to the pub for a while and then went home.

meno said...

egan, you are right about downtown. I was thinking how uncomfortable and frightened i would be to be down there with no where else to go. Is it dry under your deck?

d-man, if i were on the streets i don't think i would be able to sleep at all. I can't blame him on bit.

egan said...

It's pretty dry under our deck. Don't mind the raccoons.

Julie Q. said...

Good grief. Where do they go on Wednesdays? That just makes no sense to me at all.

Interesting questions and daring answers.

Anonymous said...


The man can't even pronounce his own first name.
