Thursday, October 11, 2007

My husband has something to tell me

The Mister came home from grocery shopping last week with these gourds and squashes. "I thought they would look nice on the table," he said.

Then he proceeded to show me the Mr Clean Magic Eraser sponge he bought. He told me that he had read the information on all the sponges and these were very cool. He excitedly told me all about them, including their magic qualities.

Oh My God! My husband is gay! Holiday decorations and cleaning supplies? I guess someone has to do it. Maybe i have something i need to tell him too.

Then again the form that our love takes is unimportant, just that there is love.

National Coming Out Day y'all.


thailandchani said...

I agree completely about Coming Out Day.. but I wouldn't worry too much about your husband until he comes home with "Kaboom". :)



Lynnea said...

But you know those magic erasers are a life saver - they take ink, crayon, permanent marker off of walls! He is a smart man. And he decorates with gourds. Ok maybe you're right.

Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

I love the picture - very phallic. Poetic.

flutter said...

Gay husbands are the best. You NEVER leave the house looking bad

amusing said...

Put him on the Holiday China Task Force. Send him off with the Fabric Brigade.

TTQ said...

Every good man has a little gayness in him. When they don't I worry. My Honey is watching Elton John in the bedroom right now.He loves him some Elton and has the wave down pat.
Actually the gayness could be perceived as a sign of self assurance. Which is sexy..

meno said...

chani, i had to google Kaboom. You are right, that would spell the end. :)

maggie, not you too? We no longer have the crayon on the wall issue.

cagey, those squash are kind of phallic. I'll just have to cook and eat them.

flutter, i wish that were true.

amusing, he's not THAT gay!

Schmoopie said...

Stucco is so gay sometimes. Okay. Every day. He is meticulous about his belt matching his shoes and his boxers matching his shirts (they are very colorful.)

The Mister did well picking out the gourds. They look beautiful. The magic erasers are a life saver with the 3 dogs and all of their grime.

Lynn said...

How lucky for wonderful as my DH is, (he loves to cook) I've still always wanted a wife. Sounds like maybe you already have one;~)

Anonymous said...

Gourds and cleaning sponges? Shit girl, give him back some of his testosterone. Oh, wait, nevermind. He's cleaning and decorating. Give him a hug!! I can't imagine what I would do without my magic eraser and oxyclean.

Elliot said...

He's not gay, he's just FABULOUS.

Mrs. Chili said...

Wait a minute, Schmoopie - Stucco's BOXERS have to match his SHIRT?! Wow. He's totally gay.

Mr. Chili has quite a bit of "gay," though not enough to keep him from laying around on the couch watching ANY sporting event that he can in order to avoid doing stuff on his list. Seriously, he'll watch truck racing to keep from errands, and it makes me crazy.

Anonymous said...

Those Magic Eraser things are the bomb. Maybe he's not gay, maybe he just likes magic.

karmic said...

That ain't gay. It's just being a great husband no?

ms chica said...

My mister picks out most of my clothes (except for the lewd t-shirts). He gets bent trying to pick out the perfect carpet swatch, and likes shopping for home decor. He is a much better woman than I am...I should ask him if he's gotten his period, yet.

Unknown said...

There are many, many days when I ponder the same thing about my husband. He is better at fashion, decorating, and is even sometimes a bit swishy and flamboyant. But I love him and wouldn't know what to do without him sometimes. :)

And the person I was hoping would come out to his parents yesterday didn't. Oh, well. It will happen when it needs to, right? I think his mom already knows anyway.

Tink said...

Is he still doing you? Then he's just metrosexual. No biggie. Maybe he could color coordinate your socks or something!

meno said...

ttq, i completely agree with you. A man who has no feminine traits is an insecure man.

schmoopie, Okay, now THAT'S gay. Alhough i don't appreciate the visual i am having. :)

lynn, we do need a wife. Wonder if we could hire out?

my pool, Man, you people really love your magic erasers. I had never heard of them before.

jeremiah, Totally mahvelous.

mrs. chili, That's pretty scary aboout Stucco. I know i'm going to be thinking about it the next time i see him. The Mister only watches sports occasionally. Uh oh!

wng, another magic eraser fan! Why did i not know about these things. Yes, think you owe it to your family to let them in on THE TRUTH about you.

franki, i'm going to go with that explanation.

sanjay, it is being a great husband. :)

ms. chica, ha ha ha. I want to watch when you do ask.

andrea, i think parents almost always already know. I wish him peace and courage.

meno said...

tink, right to the heart of the matter huh? Why, yes he is. I was just bein' silly with sex stereotypes.

Joan said...

I swear this must be National Husbands Coming Out Day. Last night Hubby and I were watching "Ugly Betty" when he remarked that he liked one of the jackets worn by the flamboyant Marc character played by Michael Urie. My exact words to Hubby..."OMG, you're gay!"

egan said...

Are guys not expected to comment on cute coats or cleaning products? So women aren't talk about sports either right? Just asking yo.

luckyzmom said...

That round orange squash is my favorite. I suggest you eat it first.

crazymumma said...

I love you. I really do.

oh gawd. I'm gushing.

This was just such a cute post.

Bobealia... said...

Gourds are not exactly girly vegetables, and the magic eraser is super fucking cool. One time I saw it easily clean off crayon from a wall.

meno said...

joan, see how much we have in common?

egan, my friend, the whole point of this post, in my enfeebled mind, is that sex stereotypes are silly, often wrong, and that we should cast them off. Also to have a little fun with National Coming Out Day. So you keep on crying and playing soccer, and i'll keep on swearing and making quilts.

luckyzmom, the little pumpkin? Last year i made some little stuffed pumpkins. I should do that again.

crazymumma, i had fun writing it. Thank you. :)

bo, i have had my eyes opened about these magic erasers from writing this post. Who knew?

Platypus said...

Can you blame him? Those magic eraser are really good! ;)

Liv said...

I relate to your surprise in that upon my arrival to the casa de madness, my son informed me that he:
a) missed me
b) was thankful for his surprises
c) and that it was nice of me to think of him.


Susanne said...

Oh, we have been joking that my husband is really a woman for ages. He loves cooking, he is sensitive, his social intelligence is way up on the scale...

I love it when men aren't all equal to each other.