Friday, November 02, 2007

The Case of the Missing Pants

When i went to bed last night, i had on pajama bottoms.

This morning, they were missing. (Cue Twilight Zone music.) During the course of an extensive search, I found them within throwing distance of the bed.

In order to get to the bottom (Hah! Bottom.) of this mystery, this evening I will round up the usual suspect and interrogate him.

It's a sad thing when one is not even safe in one's own home.


Anonymous said...

Was there a wet spot under you? That might clear up the mystery.

Anonymous said...

Geez, you live in a terrible neighborhood.

peevish said...

LOL at Deb.

meno said...

deb, i'll have the forensics team check.

franki, it's true. Maybe i need to get a fearsome dog.

peevish, i laughed too.

Em said...

The only bad thing about being surprised when you wake up with no pants is that you obviously missed all the other fun that happened when they were taken!

Anonymous said...

What? I'm right here! ;-)

thailandchani said...

Meno got lucky? :)

(I'm blushing as I type this but couldn't resist.)

Lynnea said...

I'm betting that tiny little elves snuck in and immobilized you and your husband with a sleeping potion so that they could steal your pants only to discover that to their chagrin there was no party in there. Damn humans making up tall tales again. They threw them down in disgust and left. You're just lucky they didn't vandalize your house in their ire.

Stucco said...

Pajama pants? Not exactly shopping at Fredericks of Hollywood for the sleepwear, huh? I'm interested in how the mister might've accomplished this without waking you. Roofies are over the counter now? :)

Schmoopie said...

Ha! I've done that before! I have tried to wear pajama pants to bed and they made me too hot. Sometime, during the middle of the night, I wriggle out of them. Usually they are at the foot of the bed under my blankets.

Or Stucco puts them there ;)

The Mister has some explaining to do. Where were HIS pants?

100 Thoughts of Love said...

Very funny....missing is is better then a night wedgie!

amusing said...

Well, frankly, if you aren't going to wear a pajama top, then what do you expect to happen? You are just asking for trouble.

meno said...

em, I KNOW! Well, maybe i remember a little.

nancy, ha ha ha ha ha. yep, here you are.

chani, evidence is leaning in that direction. Blushing huh? :)

maggie, those damn elves! They are supposed to be washing the dishes and doing the by-hand laundry.

stucco, well, actually they were men's knit boxers. That Frederick's stiff ITCHES. I'll have the Mister send you his tips.

schmoopie, a hot flash crime. It could be. The Mister's pants were Gone, Baby, Gone. I'm thinking that it was maggie's elves.

pat, a night wedgie would be grounds for pants dismissal.

ms chica said...

How much wine did you drink last night?

Andrea Frazer said...

On occasion I've faked being asleep to forego participation due to exhaustion. The sad thing is that he, em, finishes quicker than when I'm awake. Who the hell is he thinking of? I've brought this up to him and we both laugh hysterically.

Lynn said...

I'm thinking he might really enjoy being interrogated. Especially if both his and your bottoms are involved again.

Sienna said...

Now this is my argument....organised sex (ie nighttime) is not the fun that random sex is (ie anytime of day/place)....I always have goood recall on RS, even years later, but the OS can be hit and miss; did I dream that?

The trouble with RS is being discreet around children and sudden unexpected visitors...(C's and SUV's) technically RS can then become organised random sex (ORS)

Oh shit, Meno, you were talking about sex weren't you ?


Maybe he felt like doing the washing (laundry) there for a minute :)


Liv said...

oh, you. i'm glad one of us is seeing some action.

Joan said...

It sounds like a certain someone is very efficient if you were wearing the whole "outfit" when you started out. Why throw the pajama top as well when only the bottoms will do!

Anonymous said...

2 am sex can be great, as long as you can remember it.

Mrs. Chili said...

For as much as I want to be warm, I get overheated if I wear the pj pants to bed, so they end up on the floor, anyway. It makes Mr. Chili's work a little easier...

meno said...

amusing, so you are saying that the way i dress PROVOKED this crime? Harumph!

ms.chica, it was just for medicinal purposes.

mamap, that's because he only has himself to think of.

lynn, i may have to use restraints.

pam, i agree about organized sex, but sometimes you just have to make plans in advance. Just wait until next year when Em is gone.

liv, your time will come. (hee hee)

joan, we've had many years to become efficient.

my pool, i thought i was dreaming.

mrs. chili, you are right. many nights i go to sleep with the whole outfit, and then partway through the night i get too hot.

amusing said...

Hey -- you just said yourself that you are too hot. How is a man supposed to resist? A half naked hottie in bed with him? Of course that leads to a totally naked hottie!

luckyzmom said...

That does it. I'm getting myself some pajama bottoms.

TTQ said...

Honey is lucky.. I tend to strip when I am asleep, ever since I was a little girl. There are pictures to prove I was a sreaker..

We have scheduled sex and evrything else after that is just like icing on the cake..hmm or whipped cream..oh nevermind..

meno said...

amusing, hell if i know how any man can resist all this hotness. And that goes for you too.

luckyzmom, happy shopping. :)

ttq, you are just SUCH a hussy. It's genetic.

Anonymous said...

Just thinking about this upcoming interrogation is making me a little hot.

QT said...

At this point, I would take anything I could get. Lucky you.....

Bobealia... said...

I think you might be the usual suspect. No, I'm not blaming the victim... I don't think, but I think you just might have whipped 'em off all on your own hot self.

meno said...

bo, it was an in-depth interrogation. The suspect confessed under extreme duress.

qt, you are just so damned beautiful and sexy. I don't get it.

bo, Pantless in Seattle? Hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

it's gettin' hot in here, so take off all your ...pajamas

heartinsanfrancisco said...

So you don't remember... anything?

I'm so sorry.

Does he?

Dick said...

See, if you just skipped using them in the first place there would be no mystery as to where they went. An easy solution.

urban-urchin said...

you are one sound sleeper!

egan said...

I'm all about neighborhood safety these days. I'm on the case.

LazyLazyMe said...

Who wears pyjamas in 2007?

sari said...


egan said...

I wear pyjamas in 2007!

Avery Gray said...

Wow! I wish my hubby would jump me like that.

Is that sad?

Anonymous said...

How did that happen?! Wait....don't answer that. Maybe I meant how did that happen without you knowing?!

Tink said...

Wow. He's GOOOOOD.

Tink said...

Although his status would have been upped to "GREAT" if he'd remembered to put the pants back on.

meno said...

hearts, that smile says it all.

dick, what a good idea, you are brilliant.

u-u, ZZzzzzzzzz

egan, you can't be too vareful with a young girl in the house.

lazy, (sung to the tune of the battle hymn of the republic)
I wear my pink pajamas in the summer when it's hot.
I wear my flannel undies in the winter when it's not.
And sometimes in the spring, and sometimes in the fall,
I jump between the covers with nothing on at all.

egan, me too. it's too cold around here right now for me not too.

avery, not sad, honest. Would lack of jammies help?

ddm, or can i use your real first name?, he's sneaky, the bastard.

tink, ha ha! I'll tell him so he has something to which to aspire.

flutter said...

Have you "put out" an apb?


Anonymous said...

I am utterly without a smartass comment. Hell, I'm utterly speechless. Too much. Overloaded.

*laughing my ass off!*

meno said...

flutter, does that stand for "A Pajama Bottom." :)

irrelephant, i hath rendered you speechless, my work here is done.

crazymumma said...

It is so nice that he wants your nasty booty.


Anonymous said...

You can use my real first name.

Anonymous said...

They are supposed to be washing the dishes and doing the by