Monday, September 08, 2008

Go to College, learn new vocabulary.

I learned a new word yesterday.

I was IMing with Em (say that 5 times fast) and she said, "Today i got sexiled."

Yep, it's exactly what it sounds like. Use Google if you're unclear.

She continued, "I wandered like a little lost lamb, from Erin's room to Aline's room to Megan's room, waiting for the call that would let me know it was safe to go back into my room." (Em can be very dramatic. :) )

I was torn between annoyance that my sweet daughter had to vacate her dorm room so her roommate could lose her virginity, and amusement at the perfection of the word 'sexile.'

Things to think about:

1) This may only be a problem in my own repressed mind. Em seems okay with it, although she admitted it was 'awkward.'
2) If it is a problem, it is not my problem, i cannot solve it. I can only listen.
3) Last night i dreamed i got locked out of my house. Coincidence? I think not!
4) Dang! My girl really is getting an education.
5) She seemed very glad to hear from me today.


Maddy said...

I have my elder daughter with me for a while, but whilst she was away receiving an education in life, I was delighted every time we made contact, although I played it much cooler than that.

Michael Knight Rambo said...

Me and three friends sat in our friend's smelly old Volvo for I dunno, it seemed like and hour at least, while he visited his girlfriend at her dorm for "a few minutes".
I feel for your daughter.

Anonymous said...

My freshman year roommate arrived from Minneapolis towing a boyfriend who was going to Amherst just one town over. Close enough to see each other often, far enough away that if he missed the bus, he stayed in our room.... and um... shudder. I'm having flashbacks. Better at least to have the option of leaving the room than to wake up in the middle of hte night to ... "sounds"

And then junior year..... (The difference was that I was older and wiser -- though still a virgin myself -- and I'd holler at them to shut up and stop it!)

Melessa Gregg said...

I was sexiled many a time my freshman year. If only I'd had that cool word to describe it.

Dianne said...

sexile is a perfect word! wish I had it back in the day when I was regularly sexercising

of course she's glad to hear from you

crazymumma said...

ew. Losing virginity. ew.

Oh Em. i think she has a good and sensible head on her shoulders.

Like her Mum of course.

egan said...

This is precisely why they throw around the statistic that 40% of what you learn in college is outside of the class. I also learned in college to make up stats and not provide footnotes.

Robin said...

where'd this roommate come from, a convent? she had to go to college to get deflowered? and her parents thought she was just going for an education. ha!

kudos to em for "sexiled". here's hoping she makes lots of friends to offer her shelter during her times of sexile!

meno said...

maddy, i am SO not being cool. Not at all.

MKRambo, Ha! maybe it was only a few minutes. I feel for her too. Awkward indeed.

daisy, oh that's gross. I'm sorry. I'll have to teach her to holler SHUT UP.

melessa, it's a great word. I think i'll be using it in the future.

dianne, sexercising! ha ha ha haha!

crazymumma, it's like this girl was on a mission to lose hers.

egan, so what's you source???

robin, she's just a slightly ungainly girl who was on a mission to get laid. One parent is dead and the other uninvolved.

Princess in Galoshes said...

Ah. Yes. I remember being sexiled. At least, when it was convenient. If I was already in the room they'd go for it, anyway. I don't miss the dorms for that reason.

SUEB0B said...

I love that she trusts you enough to tell you the truth about what is going on.

Mrs. Chili said...

"Sexiled!" That's EXCELLENT (not that Em was, of course, but that there's such a beautifully perfect word for it). I love it.

Lynnea said...

That is an awesome word, and yet I cannot think of a single instance where I might use it. Dammit. I need to go to college, just for that word.

Marshamlow said...

It is a great word. But, I have to say that I am now thinking of home schooling mine for her college. LOL.

furiousBall said...

really is a great word. really am not ready to hear my little girl say that

Anonymous said...

I really see this as an imposition to Em at best. I know relationships are always unequal, but ...I smell a rat in this post, too.

jaded said...

Of course she was glad to hear from you. You were the sole link to normalcy that didn't require her to click her heels together three times.

caro said...

Even if you are really open minded and o.k with what is going on, being sexiled is the effing pits.
First of all, you have to find some damn place to go and second, well, whatever it's different for everyone.

SHe's lucky she has you. :)

Lynn said...

A perfect word if ever there was one! Lucky for Em, she has a mom that she can talk to.

The Real Mother Hen said...

Oh boy, if I were you, I wouldn't know how to react... I mean, it is bad that my child gets sexiled, but it is even worse if she is the one sexiling her roommate. I'd be so lost. Parenting is really not an easy job.

Brad said...

I just keep thinking Roomie & Loverboy should be finding time to make time while Em isn't around and doesn't even know about it. Why is it her problem?

But then I'm just an old crankypants-sourpuss.

sari said...

All I can think is "ewwww!"


meno said...

princess, this argues for getting a single in the future.

suebob, yeah. We do pretty good. Although i am struggling a bit to maintain my cool.

mrs. chili, it's a perfect word for the situation. I laughed at the word and scowled at the meaning.

maggie, maybe when you are older you can sexile your kids?????

marsha, it's tempting to keep them home. College life can really suck.

furious, i really hear you.

de, i see it that way too. But i can only offer gentle suggestions as i am no longer in charge.

patches, there's an image. "There's no place like home."

caro, i am not that open-minded, but i am not there. I find it creepy.

lynn, and lucky me that she talks. Otherwise i would never have learned this word.

mother hen, i don't really know how to react either. I'm working on not reacting.

brad, you and me both Mr. grumpypants!!!

sari, i know, i asked Em if she needed to change her sheets, just in case they used her bed.

egan said...

Mon cul, that's my source. Ask Caro for a translation if needed. Or that Maggie woman might know a thing or two about les culs.

luckyzmom said...

I just totally agree with Brad and thank him for wording my thoughts so perfectly.

Clowncar said...

Of the 5 things to think about, I'm guessing the 5th was the most important.

The rest of your post makes me shudder uncontrollably with anxiety.

Anonymous said...

i think i was sexcommunicated from the church once.

QT said...

Brad sums up my feelings precisely, as well....

TTQ said...

I taught Honey to say vajay-jay and Em has you saying sexiled. Which is now going to be part of Honey's education just so he he aware he is going to get sexiled after the next surgery too..

Anonymous said...

Oh mai gawd! That beats MY new word ("refugee-in-law," which is when my in-laws have to stay over because they have no power in their home) ALL to hell! Well done Em!

meno said...

egan, my brain? my mind? you tricky guy you.

luckyzmom, yep, brad is ever so right on this one.

clowncar, yes, #5 is the best. Sorry about the anxiety, but behold your future.

franki, i hope you has sex in the church first.

qt, he does. She's too nice to her friends.

ttq, i'm glad to be able to help you help him to understand.

irrelephant, i thought refugee-in-law was pretty good though. Am Em didn't make up sexiled, although i wish she had, it's pretty funny.

Cheesy said...

Poor em... dorm life can suck at times... I think it's time for her and roomie to set some courtesy rules....Isn't it great tho that our girls can share?? I loved that part of them being at school... they still confided and that made me feel needed and loved.

flutter said...

*slaps forehead*

Sienna said...

It's an interesting old causes me to reflect upon acts of carnal gratification with the one that I love...

We have only ever, (I think), affected ourselves in our own immediate environment.

We did, once, find occasion to lustily fornicate in the car...on the way home from a funeral, many years ago.

Cars are waaay too small.

....and apart from that we have been known to sneak off down to the shearing shed to roll around on wool so as not to disturb the kids in the house.

It aint easy being a mature, sensible adult. :)

Mona Buonanotte said...

Isn't it great your daughter can open up like that to you? My daughter is 8, so her opening up to me is all about the size of her poops and her girlcrush on Hannah Montana.

tt said...

And you're paying how much for all that good education??? lol
Wonder if she'll tell you when her roomie is "sexiled"? I know...TMI for sure!

Candy said...

My daughter had a similar situation, although not technically sexiled, but felt uncomfortable because her other 2 roommates had boys over and she wanted to go to bed. It became such a big thing, that their CA got involved. And then she got a C on a Chem exam. So I'm going crazy, because her dorm life is taking up way too much of her time. Sigh...this parenting thing is HARD!

meno said...

chessy, i know i don't IN ANY WAY miss those days.

flutter, doh!

pam, ha ha! Yes, cars are small. SUVs are better.

mona, count your blessings. Those are easy subjects.

tt, i wonder if i'll get told that when/if it happens. I wonder if i want to be told.

candy, 2 other roommates? That makes it twice as hard. I think maybe a single is in order next year!

Anonymous said...

Heh. Back in my day, the penalty for getting caught doing the walk of shame back to your room at the crack of dawn was to give a full sexplanation at breakfast. Details, details...

Diane Mandy said...

I had to look it up in Google. I think through you, your daughter is going to be giving me an education.

Girlplustwo said...

good lord. for a girl who likes to think she wants to know everything, i don't think i want to know everything.

Mrs4444 said...

Sexiled; that's an excellent term! :) too funny.

Tink said...

Sexiled! That's brilliant. I'm just glad I don't have to use it in a sentence.