Tuesday, September 14, 2010

more, or maybe it should be less, boob news.

Here's something that's a screamin' deal; At the hospital, they validate your parking if you are having surgery so that you get TWO DOLLARS OFF in the parking garage.  Makes it all worthwhile i tell you!  We've saved FOUR DOLLARS in the last two weeks.

So i had my second surgery yesterday.  Hopefully that will be the end of this shit.

My boob is incredibly sore.  I am walking around hunched over like a little old lady so as to minimize the natural harmonic waves that accompany walking with boobs.  I even have two sports bras on.  Yes, at the same time.  A little wave action still sneaks in there though. Ouch!

And oh, the hospital stories;

  • The condescending nurse that speaks to you as if you were 6.
  • The farting people in the recovery room who just had colonoscopies.
  • The nurse who keeps trying to get you to get up and get dressed and get the hell out of the recovery room even though you just woke up 5 minutes ago, who finally admits, "It's a factory around here."
  • One time they insisted that i had to be wheelchaired out of the hospital, the next time i was allowed to walk out to the horrified gasp of a different nurse who said to my nurse, "You can't just let her WALK out of recovery."  (I turned to The Mister and said, "Let's hurry and get out of here before they make me take a wheelchair.")
  • The chatty person in the next bay in the 'induction room' who wants to talk at you about her bladder problems.
  • The young girl with mental problems who was screaming when she woke up.  (That was sad.)

All in all i can't really recommend it.


furiousBall said...

you keep getting those tickets validated and you're bound to start making some money

mischief said...

Blech, my good thoughts and warm wishes that you are finished with hospitals now and can enjoy a quick recovery and an end to boob troubles.

flutter said...

gah, what a mess. This better be the end of all this crap for you!

Student_Nurse_Ninja said...

That sucks. That really sucks.

But I give you kudos for escaping without a wheelchair. That's nearly impossible to do.

nick said...

Fortunately I've never been a hospital patient so I've been spared all that shit so far. Hearing about other people's problems can only make you more miserable....

I hope that's the end of the story and they don't find something else that needs seeing to.

Lynnea said...

the factory part actually turns my stomach.

Geez said...

People don't really understand people anymore, just protocol.

Marshamlow said...

Get well soon. Hopefully this is the end of it. During all the political discussion surrounding the last election everyone was talking about how great American health care is and how we don't want to end up like Canada or Europe, I kept wondering what planet those people live on. I don't think there is a lot of humanity or dignity left in our health care.

Bob said...

time for more bag balm.

Mom went through this 4-5 years ago (her's was pre-cancerous, so there was radiation therapy after) and now has nothing but a scar for the memory.

Hoping there are no more ticket validations.

SUEB0B said...

Next time I fart in public, I am going to loudly announce "Sorry! I just had a colonoscopy!"

Thanks for that.

Hope the boobs are better soon.

peevish said...

Yikes! I'm so glad that's over for you.

Magpie said...

I hope your boob feels better soon.

Scott from Oregon said...

Those places are alot like old corner bars. Very interseting people in them and yet, so sad...

You could have a T-shirt made that explained to people why you were walking bent over (I assume to make your boobs dangle and not bounce up and down, but what do I know, I don't have boobs anymore) but then come to think of it, no one would be able to read it...

Anonymous said...

When Katie wakes up from her day surgeries she bites her IV tubing in half. The nurses were anxious to let us go early:)

Hope all is well. Take care, Deb

Wanderlust Scarlett said...

So not worth the four bucks you saved.

They should offer you some sort of adult beverage to make up for their incompetence, if you have to put up with it.

*read farting people twice and could do nothing but shake my head*

Hope you are well soon. Hugs.

Scarlett & Viaggiatore

Andrea Frazer said...

How are you doing today?

heartinsanfrancisco said...

So sorry it was awful, and do hope that's the end of all this hospital crap. Nurses who say "we" when they clearly mean "you" are one of my pet peeves.

"How are we feeling?"
"I don't know about you, lady, but it really sucks being me right now."

The $2.00 discount in the parking garage gives new meaning to adding insult to injury. I hope the Mister is pampering you like crazy. Feel better soon!!

luckyzmom said...

I am currently experiencing medical coverage questions that no one seems to know the answer to and it is literally making me sick.

cadiz12 said...

i hope you feel better soon.
there are some good people who work at the hospital, i promise.

colleen said...

Just checking in and catching up. I'm glad you're on the mend. One of my worst fears is the hospital!

sari said...

Sounds miserable. I'm glad you're out and hopefully you're done for good.

Tracy Helgeson said...

I am embarrassed to admit that I have been neglecting my blog reading for a long time and so I am late on hearing about all this boob stuff. So sorry that you are going through this; I am thinking about you and hoping that you need no further invasion;) or treatment.

Mrs4444 said...

I'm sorry, but you are really funny, so I'm laughing. I love you, Meno. I really do.

Your last comment reminds me that last week, while assisting three other adults in the physical restraint of a mentally ill 6th grade girl, my heart just wept for her. Can you imagine the torment? Poor things...

I hope your recovery is going well.