Saturday, March 26, 2011

The oldest story in the world

Well,  It's about to get interesting around here.  Hang on if you like for the bumpy ride.  Or not.

The Mister left me this morning.  He's seeing someone else.

You will be glad to know that i behaved with dignity.  I told him good luck. 

Nothing is worked out, and it's going to be an unholy mess to disentangle our lives after more than 30 years.

I am numb right now.  I am not looking forward to dealing with the pain and the loneliness.  But i realize that i cannot avoid it.

I called my brother right away, and he, being the awesome brother that he is, came over and went to the doctor with me, to get some sleeping aid and some anti-anxiety meds.

I may spend the night at his house, but in all honesty, i don't know what to do with myself right now.


Mary_Flashlight said...

I'm sorry. I've had that happen - not with the 30 years part, but still, it sucks.

Thinking of you Meno. Good for you for being dignified. I told my (now) ex-husband to go to hell.

Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

Oh holy CRAP. That sucks. I am so, so sorry you are going through this. Damn.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Sending a hug.

flutter said...

HOLY CRAP. I am just. Wow. Pardon me, but seriously? I am mad as hell at him on your behalf. I am also just an email away if you need anything at all.

Anonymous said...

I got this joke this morning and thought you might appreciate it.

The wife and I were sitting around the breakfast table one lazy Sunday morning.

I said to her, “If I were to die suddenly, I want you to immediately sell all my stuff.”

“Now why would you want me to do something like that?” she asked.

“I figure that you would eventually remarry and I don’t want some asshole using my stuff.”

She looked at me and said: “What makes you think I’d marry another asshole?”

Mrs. Chili said...

I know there's nothing I can say or do to make any of this any easier, but know that I'm out here, vibing for you, and that anything that I CAN do is yours for the asking.

luckyzmom said...

Instant tears for your pain.

peevish said...


Cat said...

Meno, I'm so sorry. Thinking of you. <3

Gina said...

Oh man, I am SO sorry.

Dick said...

I am sorry that this has happened. It sounds like you handled it pretty well with him. Mine wasn't a divorce but I did lose my spouse after over 38 years together and since then I've found another wonderful woman. There are good people out there and I guess you will have a better idea what you do (and don't) want in a mate. Just proceed slowly.

Steph said...

Oh, Meno.

jaded said...

I hate that you have to endure this. Mostly, I hate it because you are my friend, but I also hate it because you have invested so much of yourself in him.

Clowncar said...

I'm sorry. he's an ass to do so. sadly, many of us are.

hang in there....

Bob said...

Damn. I am so, so sorry.

Know that there are people out here who care for you and are rooting for you.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

He is not only completely lacking in honor, but also really stupid. You are smart, funny, gorgeous, talented, kind, forgiving and a million other things he will never again find in one person. I was once in such a situation, long ago, and a little meditation came to me which I actually found helpful: Water seeks its own level, and I was frantically building dams to keep the louse on mine. I know it isn't much, but I offer it in hopes that it will help a little.

Schmoopie said...

He never deserved you.

We are here for you and want to get together, if you'd like. Let's meet downtown for a drink...or ten.

Mrs4444 said...

Holy CRAP, Meno! 30 years?! What a prick. Sorry, but what a prick.