Monday, November 13, 2006

And what do you say to that?

This story was told to me by a woman i worked with at a bank.

She walked into the living room of her house and found her 5 year old boy watching TV and playing with himself, as boys will do.

“Jeremy honey,” she says calmly and acceptingly, ”don’t play with yourself in the living room.”

“Why not,” he shot back, “Daddy does.”


urban-urchin said...

OMG. That is brilliant. What DO you say to that??

Mother of Invention said...

What's up with that anyway? They all do, and not just in the livingroom! Send this in to Readers' Digest and get $200!

Mignon said...

You say, "Then I shall spank Daddy."

thailandchani said...



Thailand Gal

Sonia Wetzel Photography said...

Hahahahaha....and also HA!

Anonymous said...

I am almost totally speechless. That is hilarious!

QT said...

Too funny - thanks for the laugh and I agree, I wouldn't have known what to say for a follow up!

karmic said...

In response to your comment..
Did you put tha Obsession ad up to balance the Mercedes ad from yesterday? :)

Sort of. I had both of them yesterday, but did not put them up. Also am an equal opportunity objectifier I guess. ;)

Bob said...


I am sure daddy was delt with forthwith!

Josephine said...

Monkey see, monkey do!

Lynnea said...

So my mind went straight to, if Daddy was playing with himself in the living room, what did Daddy have on the TV?

Gretchen said...

Very funny way to start the day!

"Well next time you see daddy doing it, tell him to stop, that it's not polite."

Girlplustwo said...

hilarious. i wrote about something similar today as well. must be in the air.

Bobealia... said...

I babysat over the weekend and caught the four year old looking at a naked certerfold of Kate Moss in the parent's bedroom. For real.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it was Kate Moss and not an illustration of a skeleoton frm Grey's Anatomy?

Sorry. It was just too easy.

Mrs. Chili said...

Oh, MY! Well, I think a talk with Daddy is in order, don't you?

I once saw an episode of Wings, I think it was, where someone was flying a plane in which a man and his pet monkey were passengers. The monkey started picking its nose in the cockpit, and the owner said something like "NO, Bubbles! That, and the other thing, you do in PRIVATE!"

That's kind of the stance we take with out 7 and 9 year old daughters.

amusing said...

See, right there is another upside of divorce....

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

OK, I nearly spit Coke on my computer when I read that. Of course, daddy isn't in the house now, so what's my 4-year-old's excuse?