Monday, July 30, 2007

The last about Blogher, that's a promise.

Something i knew about myself, but i was reminded of it in spades these past few days; I am not good in groups. I knew this, but i chose to ignore it in the hope that this special event would be different, that i would be different.


I had a wonderful time, but not at Blogher. The conference was not for me. It was big and noisy and caused me to have sensory overload. This is not the fault of Blogher, it’s just who i am.

As an example, one of the sessions was about how to get yourself and your blog mentioned in the press, and how to conduct yourself in an interview. I have no issue with anyone who wants this, but i can never see myself being desirous of attention from the press.

I spent most of the time with
Ms. Chica and Maggie, talking, laughing, listening and making fun of the absurdities of it all. We walked all around Chicago and ate and went to the Art Institute and got blisters and waded in Lake Michigan and ate and talked and talked and talked. I am so glad i went.

There are a few bloggers i wish i had met, but i suppose that this would have required me to stick around at the event or attend the nightly cocktail parties.

As i mentioned, i had a wonderful, comfortable dinner with
Jen and Nina. They are both quite beautiful, as well as funny and smart. You will not be surprised to hear that Jen stopped on our way to dinner the first night and chatted with a man who was begging on the street. I think she traded him a $20 bill for $7. She walks the walk.

I also was able to spend a little time with
Antonia and Ian and their adorable wonder baby Esme (who apparently doesn't have her own blog yet, the little slacker!) on the morning of my last day there. I wish we had been able to go and do something together, but alas….no time.

The trip was exhilarating and wonderful and i wouldn't have missed it for anything.

It’s good to be home.


flutter said...

It's good to have you back, I wish I could have gone!

Girlplustwo said...

i wouldn't have missed it for the world, and am also glad to be home.

and i know what you mean, i was intimidated by the large groupedness from time to time...we stole off on Saturday and took in the sights instead. SO terrific to meet you, lovely Meno.

Dick said...

We too are home but from a different place and it is indeed good to be home. But I found that Pat seemed to like the RV as a place to be & a way to travel so think we will do more of it in the future. I think I had just better not try to take her to hot places!

Lynn said...

Glad that you are back on the west coast, too. How did Em fair being 'in charge' this weekend? and the did he fair, as well?

Anonymous said...

You know, it's tempting to reserve a suite of rooms in a nearby hotel and do a mini Blogher, but without the seminars, Disco party or tips on managing the media, and with more booze, good food, cookies -ahem- and talk talk talk.

Stucco said...

I'm benevolent to a point, but I appreciate insanity too much to be directly useful. I give homeless people $2 bills. Difficult to spend, and confusing. Sometimes the homeless think I'm fucking with them and that it's not real money. That's what I like.

meno said...

flutter, i wish you could have gone too, at least to Chicago, i'm not sure if i wish you had paid $200 for the conference.

jen, I bet you had the best time when you stole off. I know i did. It was a priviledge to meet you.

dick, it sounds like your trip was a success then. Maybe some trips during the winter to Phoenix, where it's warm, but not too hot.

lynn, Em and the Mister had a good time together. It was good for them to spend some time together without me. The Mister told me last night that she was really sweet and is a great kid. "I know," i thought, but just smiled on the outside.

nancy, there was talk of an unblogher event, where there would be no scheduled events and small numbers of attendees. You are SO invited.

stucco, i have never had any trouble spending a $2 bill, just in finding them. I like your style!

Bobealia... said...

You are so good to know yourself enough to do all those fun non-blogher things together. I probably would have studiously attended everything and taken notes and gone home depressed.

Anonymous said...

For me, never having been to Chicago, outside of O'Hare, it would have been perfect. I hope they have it someplace interesting next year.

QT said...

Ditto on the actual conference, as far as I'm concerned.

Too bad I didn't see you on the beach after a few of those cookies one of the Canucks was handing out. Now that is some swag!

I am glad we had our dinner before everything got too out of hand.

Imez said...

i am so sorry we never met. if ever given a second chance, i won't screw it up again.

Bob said...

the only reason I would've gone to chicago would have been to meet you all. I am happy that you were able to enjoy yourself.

Liv said...

meno, after nancy's comment, i'm beginning to think that our phone line was tapped! i am working on some ideas for collateral materials and will get with chica. we are so going to rock it out the unBlogHer way!

thailandchani said...
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thailandchani said...

QT rightly noted to me in comments that I would have been completely overwhelmed. I believe her. :)

All that you've said makes total sense. Some people are good at that kind of thing.. and some are not.

I can't imagine being interested in media or promotion, either. It's just not me.

Overall.. all told.. would you go again?

I would have liked to meet some of the people but, you know, for the most part, I'm happy with the phone meetings I've had with a few bloggers.



Lynnea said...

unblogher - its the way to go! I like the booze, cookies and no disco. Preferrably somewhere we can stick our feet in water again, or stare at art. :-)

Schmoopie said...

I am so like you in big groups. My favorite part of the group event would have been making fun of the commercialism of it all with my few "gal pals" and going off in our own direction (exactly as you did!) Sounds like fun. I think Seattle is a perfect destination city for the unblogher. :)

meno said...

bo, we wouldn't have let you. I would have dragged you out with us, and to hell with the conference. :)

de, i didn't hear where it is next year. I might go there, but i would be as smart as Antonia and i would not even sign up for Blogher, just gone to meet the people. In small groups of course.

qt, i treasure that dinner. I was so glad that the dinner with 30 women didn't happen and allowed me a little time with the two of you.

esereth, that's really fucking sweet of you. I mean that. You are not that far away. Someday....

bob, there were some men there. And as far as i am concerned, those were some awesomely cool men. So what i am saying, is that i would be honored to meet you.

liv, you two are in charge, because whatever you come up with will be wonderful. Plan on, dudette!

chani, i was overwhelmed. I believe you would have been too. I would SO go again, to meet the few people that i met. That was a treasure. But the hell with the conference. Too too too much for this introvert.

maggie, hi sweetie! I am glad you made it home, i was wondering. We'll just have to make sure that unblogher doesn't get too big. Because, as you know, SMALL is beautiful.

Andrea Frazer said...

To be honest with you, I was SHOCKED (yes, screaming) that you went to Blogher. It seems so media overdrive for you. It's fabulous you tried it out, though, and aren't beating yourself up for not being a rah-rah all the time person.

Susanne said...

Meetings in small groups are always the best. That's why the best part of the party is sitting in the kitchen in the morning or walking home with someone.

It seems like you made the best out of BlogHer for you. And that's what counts.

Unknown said...

You caught up with Maggie! Wicked.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home. It sounds like an experience to treasure.

karmic said...

I am glad you had fun and got to meet fellow bloggers esp the amazing duo of Chica and Maggie. Welcome back. :)

amusing said...

I want the disco! I want to dance!

meno said...

mamap, i would have to beat myself up a lot if i were to do that.

susanne, yes, trying to get 100 woman and 3 men to set an agenda is an exercise in frustration. I'll be the one waiting in the kitchen.

d-man, it was wicked!

my pool, it was.

sanjay, i haven't talked that much in a long time.

amusing, i don't think there way anyone dancing, but you could have started it.

Princess in Galoshes said...

Meno, even though I didn't meet you at Blogher, you are so my cyber maid-of-honor, m'kay? :-)

(errr, I guess that'd be " cyber matron of honor", what with the husband and kid and whatnot....)

Bob said...

you are too, too sweet.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back and I understand what you mean about the large group thing - they get me exactly the same way.

alphawoman said...

I have always wanted to meet people face to face. I envy you your time in Chicago.

ellie bee said...

glad you are all back safe and sound! I am with you though, I'd love to hang with some friends, but a conference on how to be noticed would totally wreck me!

meno said...

Schmoopie, i missed you, so sorry. We did have a good time poking not very gentle fun. Ahem.

princess, excellent! That way i can just visualize my bridesmaid dress. Matron! Yikes.

bob, i don't get accused of THAT very often. :)

platypus, i truly don't know how people do it and enjoy it. A mystery to me.

alphawoman, that part was SO cool.

Ortizzle said...

I'm with you. I hate huge organized events. The give me the "Hello-My-Name-Is-Freda" syndrome. Much nicer to hang out with your special pals. Sounds like you got your money's worth, Meno.

Lynnea said...

And so is my vagina...

I just had to.