Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Obligatory pre-Blogher post exhibiting pre-travel giddiness.

I'm leaving, on a jet plane (Yeah!)
Don't know when i'll be back again (Sunday)
Oh babe, i hate to go (NOT!)
But the dawn is breaking
It's early morn, (o'fuck thirty, yuck!)
The taxi's waiting (Nope, it's the Mister)
He's blowing his horn (No way! That would be rude.)

Okay, my guess is that those of you who are not going to Blogher in Chicago might (or might not) be feeling left out. Or maybe you are just sick of hearing about the damn thing. But i assure you, that i will be thinking of you and i will act as your on the scene correspondent.

If there is a cat fight, i will be taking, and publishing, photos. If there is drunken debauchery, i have a camera and i know how to use it. If insults are hurled, i will dutifully write them down and report them. If there are any fashion victims, it will probably be me.

I'm leaving Em in charge at home. The Mister left gum in his jeans pocket and it got all over my new fuzzy (polypropylene sweater) in the dryer and he is in the dog house. Of course, i left a tampon in one of my pants pockets and it blossomed in the wash. Nice.

P.S. Spell check does not recognize o'fuck as a word.


egan said...

Em is in charge! Noted.

Leaving gum in the pants isn't a good thing. "blossomed in the wash", you really should use those color blocker sheets at all times Meno.

Have a great time at BlogHer in Chicago. Sounds like it will be a blast. Represent Seattle well.

the moose buyer said...

have a great trip. Hope you will get some time to relax.

sari said...

Pocket check, pocket check, pocket check!

Have a great time!!

Anonymous said...

Dude. I'd give my last tampon to room with you.

Have fun, eat pizza, eat an Italian Beef Sandwich(roast beef with _giardinera_ peppers, otherwise it's not the real thing) and I'll cstch you next time!

Airam said...

I love Chantal Kreviazuk!

Can't wait to hear all about it!

Stucco said...

Have fun in Chicahhgo. Maybe yous could have a braht at Dikkahs. I hope you told the spell check to add/learn "o'fuck". That and "McShit".

Mrs. Chili said...

Meno, I really AM feeling left out. I'm going to try like MAD to get to BlogHer next year (though I think it may put Mr. Chili over the edge. He doesn't get the whole blogging thing and has a deep and abiding mistrust of people on the internet. It's all Stucco's fault). Find out for me when and where next year's festivities are going to be, wouldja? And have a fan-fucking-tastic time!!

ms chica said...

Christ, you haven't even seen me yet and you're already making fun of my's like I've known you for years.

What time is o' fuck thirty on the west coast? On the east, it's 4AM.

flutter said...

o'fuck thirty is too a word, as is asscrack o'dawn.

Liv said...

Bumblefuck, GA is a place, too. Oh, please, please, think for me, drink for me, and document all the juicy gossip. If you don't feel like writing about it on the blog, I understand---but you must email it all or I'm flying out west to put the squeeze on you. Hey, and Ms. Chica knows my mobile # in case you want to teleconference me. Boo-hoo. It's raining, it's pouring, divorce is SOO boring!!!

Dick said...

I don't even know what Blogher in Chicago is, but have fun. When you report back be sure to give us enough info that those like me (if there are any others) who don't know what it is.

Crazed Nitwit said...

Like Liv said Just do something for ME! In my name have an extra large margarita and then takes pictures of all the BlogHers!!!

ms chica said...

Liv, divorce is many things, but I don't think boring is high on the list.

amusing said...

I'm still missing one of the Chicago landmark buildings for my collection of teeny buildings.... damn! Oh, I mean, "o'fuck!"

Em said...

Feeling left out. :( So many bloggers going there for fun....I'm at home going to work. I WANT TO MEET OTHER BLOGGERS TOO!

Okay, there, I said it. LOL

Schmoopie said...

Have a drink (or 10) and have a great time! Looking forward to the report. Pictures...lots of pictures!

Special K ~Toni said...

Have fun! I'm not jealous- I will be having a few drinks in Florida!

meno said...

egan, if by represent you mean make a drunken fool out of myself, i'm on it! What is a color blocker sheet?

moose, relax, hmm, i doubt it. Old people need their rest, so maybe i will.

sari, i relied upon the Mister to check his own pockets. That was foolish huh?

nancy, oh wouldn't that be fun? Next year if we both go!

airam, it took me a while to figure out why you were mentioning Chantal K. And then it hit me, she must have done a cover of this old John Denver song. I will have to seek it out and listen.

stucco, i missed McShit, but will add it for sure. I will be sure to eat a braht!

mrs.chili, i will think of you and have a toast in your honor. I would bet that they haven't yet decided on next year's venue. Google blogher and you will get the website. It would sure be fun if you could make it.

ms.chica, don't worry about the clothes. i am fashion impaired. if it's clean, it's good. O'fuck thirty is 5:00am here.

flutter, Tom Waits line; "I'm so horny the crack of dawn better be careful around me."

liv, we'll have to call you! I promise to get the scoop. At least as much as i am able.

dick, it's a conference for women bloggers. (Translation: an excuse to get together and gossip, drink and eat.)

janice, will do! Will hoist a martini in your honor. (Is a martini okay?)

amusing, which one? Maybe we can score it for you.

em, well there's always next year....

schmoopie, there will be pictures, i promise.

toni, excellent! Florida is good.

Anonymous said...

Oh is sounds so wonderful! I am so new to blogging, I had no idea what it was... Hope you enjoy yourself, ooh, and others!

nothing naughty meant by that (just in case anyone is naughty minded!)

Lynn said...

I am so excited for both you and Ms. Chica. You two get to meet each other...and so many others. Since the only experience of Blogher that I will have this year, will be vicarious, I am counting on you to tell all of the gossip. (I hope that's not too much pressure).

Joan said...

Have a wonderful time and you know we expect a full report when you get back. Lynn and I were talking about maybe doing it next year so we want all the details...yes...ALL the details. Have fun!

Sonia Wetzel Photography said...

Have fun!! I'm envious, I really wanted to go. It just wasn't in the cards this year. I'll be waiting patiently for your updates! :-)

Liv said...

please, God, please put me on "drunk dial"....give me a reason to believe that I of all people would be the person you'd call when shitfaced. I shall be knitting with my new silk yarn in a tone described by the manufacturer as "Rockstar" while watching babies and not blogging.

ps--Chica, the D can be quite a yawn. The sheer repetitive & drawn out nature of it all...

Anonymous said...

The best thing I could think of about it is that I'll have no pressure to read or write this weekend.

I don't know, meno, I think you play it pretty close to the vest. I can't imagine you being the one to tell-all.

But if that's what you're planning on, bring it on. Have a great trip.

megabrooke said...

hope you have a blast! cant wait to hear all the dirty details when you return! woot!

karmic said...

Enjoy your time in Chicago. :)

Daphne Enns said...

I'm de-cloaking, after reading your blog for quite a while to say that I am one of those bloggers in a state of envy over so many of my favorite writers getting to meet at Blogher.

And Chicago is amazing. If for some reason you've always wanted to buy a wig there are numerous wig shops near the Magnificent Mile.

And if that is not on your list of things to do (it wouldn't be on mine either but I have memories of a university class trip there and a girlfriend buying one as well as a vinyl/leopard print coat.

Needless to say, that when we were at the airport to fly home customs pulled her aside...).

There are also some great river boat tours of downtown architecture...


meno said...

chili pepper, NO ONE here is dirty minded, ever! Lasy year i was new too, so maybe next year for you.

lynn, i am excited too. And if my plane wasn't two damn hours late, i would be much happier. I'm still in Seattle. Grrrr.

joan, i will do my best to keep you informed.

ddm, i will think og you whilst i am there. YOu and your thyroid. :)

liv, be careful what you wish for, it could happen.

de, i may surprise you. Or i may be tucked into my own little bed by 10pm every night. Who knows.

brookem, i hope to post from the event as well. We'll see.

sanjay, thanks, i will!

daphne, well hello. Thanks for the Chicago tips. I hope to be able to use them.

Elliot said...

Slap-happy trails. And, I think, with "o'fuck thirty", you may have stumbled on a new numbering system for clocks. I forsee "goddammit o'clock" and "a quarter past late as shit" as new ways to express what time it REALLY is. I'll get to work on that while you're out...

urban-urchin said...

you're my eyes and ears babe. Have a wonderful time.

TTQ said...

Being the social anxiety ridden person that I am, you will probably never meet me at a Blogher event. I hope you have a great time and if next year I make it there, you must promise not to take pictures of me cowering under the table admidst all the funnery.

Princess in Galoshes said...

Have fun, Meno. You absolutely must try and make it to the modern art museum, if nothing else. It is the most amazing collection, it'll take your breath away, even if you're a bit culturally lacking, like m'self.

Lynnea said...

I'm sure I will outshine you in the fashion victim department, but if not we could be twins. O'Fuck should be added to the dictionary - duh.

Susanne said...

No, I don't feel left out. Have fun. And yes, take pictures. Please.

thailandchani said...

I don't feel left out, either. Not this time. I hope you all have a wonderful time and I'll count on your humorous reports. :)



Sonia Wetzel Photography said...

*snort* My thyroid is flattered!

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Have a wonderful time! Tell us everything.

luckyzmom said...

Happy, happy, joy, joy. Happy, happy, joy. Look forward to hearing all about it.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Chicago! I love this place. If you want some suggestions of places to visit, send me an e-mail.

Maddy said...

It is my experience that spellchecker is limited at the best of times but that may be because of consumer misuse on my part.
Have a great time

egan said...

A color blocker sheet prevents a bloody show from occurring in your wash. Oops, I went there again.

meno said...

jeremiah, that simpson's picture of yours cracks me up! I forsee a new clock based upon your suggestions.

u-u, i am discovering as i am here that i am not very good eyes and ears because i keep avoiding the conference. :)

ttq, i promise!

princess, we are heading off to the museum later today!

ddm, :)

hearts, all the news that's fit!

luckyzmom, i'm having fun.

popeye, i e-mailed you.

mcewen, i remember when i used to play this old adventure game where you had to type in commands. Whenever i would get frustrated and type "fuck you" it would answer with "none of that now!

egan you made me snort pinot grigio out my nose.

Anonymous said...

Weird things that get washed. That could be a blog post. My younger brother once threw my nicest lingerie into the dryer with his stuff. Thinking he was doing me a favor. He forgot about the pen with indellible ink.

So... please send us all the juicy gossip. And have a wonderful trip!