Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The CIRCLE OF LIFE....(la la la)

Time: Yesterday afternoon

Place:Check out line at the Pet Store

A very macho looking man was buying a mouse in a cardboard box, probably to feed his snake.

Em, standing in line right behind him, was buying food for her two recently acquired pet mice.


I am off again for a few days. Going hiking at Mt. Baker with my friend, Kim. We are staying in a Bed & Breakfast with feather beds. We are NOT roughing it.


crazymumma said...

Nature is an exacting mistress. Tough and beautiful at the same time.

Have a good holiday!

Anonymous said...

sounds wonderful. The bed at the house we rented was the second worst I've ever slept on. And loud? Oh, god.

Andrea Frazer said...

Let's hope that the circle of life doesn't extend to critters running through your feather bed. Enjoy!

sari said...

I am not a roughing it sort of girl. My idea of roughing it includes cabins with doors, windows, screens and bathrooms.

And a place to plug in a radio. I'm pretty good other than that.

Have fun!

Stucco said...

I was catching flies outside yesterday with the chilluns for Mister Frog (formerly Mister Tadpole). I don't think it's much of a parallel though as I've never heard of a pet fly.

Mrs. Chili said...

Bed and breakfasts with feather beds is as close as I'll get to camping.... I am so NOT a nature girl

TTQ said...

B&B's will make you a happy camper!

Lynnea said...

Being a good outdoorsman or woman as the case may be, never ever requires roughing it. And I love love love a good B&B. So much more personal and quiet.

Have a great one. Hope the hike yields great fun and lots of pics.

Anonymous said...

Love the cycle of life, LOL.

Have a great trip, dear.

Anonymous said...

Yay not roughing it!

ms chica said...

I will toast to not roughing it in your honor.

thailandchani said...

We used to joke when I was a kid that roughing it was staying at the Bel Air Hotel.

Now I wouldn't go near the place. LOL

Still... good idea.. a hike and B&B sounds very nice! Hope you have a good time. :)



Lucia said...

Two tired hikers jumping on the beds!

amusing said...

Does hiking count as being idle? It seems to me that's "doing something." Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Got the box and everything was intact. Thank you thank you thank you!! Have fun sleeping in those primitive beds. ;-)

Lynn said...

At least there are two mice who have been saved from being dinner. Enjoy your time away!

Liv said...

Why are you always leaving me when I'm on the cusp of a nervous breakdown?! Have fun if you must!!

QT said...

I love mice as long as they are not pooping in my pantry - then we have problems.

I am a lovah of the North Cascades - if you will be in the vicinity of Bellingham, there is a pretty decent (for Bellingham) tapas place there called Flats Tapas. Oh yeah - you are a Bellingham guru already, I forgot!

Anonymous said...

Happy! hiking. Featherbeds sound awesome.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

It's a snake-eat-mouse world out there.

Have a great hike, and please come by my place when you have a chance to pick up an award.

Snoskred said...


I finally made it over here, sorry it took me so long. I'm adding you to my reader and shizzle. ;)


Special K ~Toni said...

Every time I come by you are off to somewhere! Are you running from me??

Have a safe and relaxing trip!

Bobealia... said...

I love feather beds even though I'm allergic.

Joan said...

Lucky women...hiking AND feather beds...the perfect combination! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time. Enjoy the hiking.

Anonymous said...

Yes, from the sublime to the ridiculous.

I too would consider camping if it came with a feather bed!