Wednesday, April 01, 2009

This must be what being an adult is like

I have a habit that i've been trying to break, a habit that The Mister shares.

In the past, i've tried, half-heartedly, to break this habit. I've blamed my lack of success on the fact that The Mister continues the habit. So it was all his fault, as you can plainly see.

Frustrated, i decided to change my approach, because it appears to be more important to me to change.

What would happen if i was responsible for my own self, and did what i need to do without regard to The Mister? (There's a concept, personal responsibility!)

Maybe i could lead in this. Maybe that would be an inspiration to The Mister. Maybe not, but my fate should be in my hands, right? (Downside: upon whom would i blame my failure with this approach?)

So i decided to change.

It seems to be working. He seems to be following.



fiwa said...

I seem to have the opposite problem, I try to take responsibility for MY mister's bad habits. The whole "let's eat more veggies for your health" thing isn't going down so well with him, but I'm going to keep it up for myself anyway.

Good for you for changing whatever this habit is. If nothing else it's a chance to feel holier than thou, no? ;)

Mrs. Chili said...

Some are leaders, some are followers, and some just drift.

BE the change you want to see in the world, Meno! You Go Girl!

The Real Mother Hen said...


I like to blame others for all my bad habits. Hold on a second, what am I talking about? My only bad habit is that I have too many good habits! So there you go.

PS: does your bad habit have anything to do with how you hang your towels? :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you!

I recently heard a snippet of a conversation about the difference between bad habits and addictions that hit a little too close to home, so I've been wrestling the sugar monster. Unfortunately, he's got a whole League of Weaknesses to back him up, but I keep fighting.

meno said...

fiwa, i had to laugh at your comment. I tried to stir fry some kale last night for dinner. It was tasty, but very tough.

mrs. chili, yeah baby! Thanks for the encouragement. :)

mother hen, towels do not figure into this. I could hang my towel beautifully for the next 6 decades (should i live that long, which i hope i don't) and he would never notice.

de, oh man, the sugar monster remains my close friend. Especially the cookie sugar monster.

Lynnea said...

you could still blame The Mister. I mean heck, why not? Ha.

I've learned some very good habits from my husband. Like putting my clothes away instead of dropping them on the floor at night. But he's still bucking me about eating slower. I'll get him in the end, if I have to resort to voodoo, I will. Oh I will.

flutter said...

well now, THAT is progress!

Anonymous said...

Good on ya! Keep up the good work and keep leading by example. It's difficult but I know you are tough.

Lu said...

I'm writing this life lesson down in the book o' If it works for Meno...

Men are like deer, if are face full on with a bright light, they freeze...or bolt.

jaded said...

Why is it saying I do, or let's move in together, all capacity to reason individually dissolves and we become codependent?

It's easier to make a change in you life when others are compliant or at least supportive, but the best reason to make a change is for yourself.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Good for you! Keep at it whether he does or not! I'm rootin' for ya!

caro said...

Good for you. I'm almost there, not quite...

meno said...

maggie, i'm not going to blame him, he's going to admire me because i will succeed!

flutter, only took me 15 years.

sally, i am certainly stubborn!

lucinda, ha ha! That's quite the image. That must be a short book.

jaded, it is easier with support, but you are right, gotta do it anyway.

rll, thank you!

caro, soon...soon.

Brad said...

Maybe he was just waiting for you to lead?

Oh, wait. That's me.

Anonymous said...

Go! Go! Go! Go! Wait, you're not giving up cookies, right? Go! Go! Go! Go!

Robin said...

i always hesitate to break a habit because i have so few of them, i don't want to appear "perfect".

ha. ha. ha. ha.

good luck in your courageous endeavor!

Anonymous said...

Funny how that works, hmm?

I'm trying this as well.

j.sterling said...

wait wait.. so does this make YOU the grown up and him the kid?!?!! hahahaha

TTQ said...

Bless him and change can't really change a person, but you can wish them the best and lead by setting a good example.

So next time he's got you really pissed off. THINK Bless him and change me.

Shit..some of the things in rehab did really stick in my head..

Cheesy said...

Just give him a time out....

luckyzmom said...

"I change the way I look at things and the things I look at change."
Wayne Dyer

So, I keep saying to myself, "I am wise like meno, I am witty like meno, I am popular like meno," instead of, "I'll never change."

Mrs4444 said...

That's terrific. Good luck.

rebecca said...

Hm...seems to be what most would call 'wisdom.' Glad to see it's working! Keep at it! But, gee, doesn't it feel wonderful when you can lay the blame on someone else? Sure takes the pressure off!