Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I am Woman

So here's what i've been working on in my quilting group. The group i joined earlier this year and wasn't sure i would like. It's a table runner.

Here's one square:
And here's the back of another square:
If this doesn't get me a merit badge on my "I'm a real girl" sash, i don't know what will.

My next project will be a quilt for Em to take to college with her. She is keen on that idea.


Marshamlow said...

Wonderful, marvelous and impressive, congrats on a job well done.

Maddy said...

Excellent. Glad you've left lots of time for the second project! So saying it took me seven years to finish one particular quilt so I'm not in any position to cast aspersions.

This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.

furiousBall said...

see i could never do this, i'd insist on having a square dedicated to Skeletor from He-Man, and one for Schlitz Malt Liquor and it would all just be downhill from there

flutter said...

I am so freakin proud of you.

meno said...

marsha, thank you. :)

maddy, i hope Em's blanket doesn't take me seven years. I don't have that long.

furious, Hmmm. that gives me some ideas.

flutter, i am pretty obnoxiously pleased with myself too. :D

Anonymous said...

I'll quilt you a badge.

Liv said...

Giggle, giggle, squeal, squeal! Oh, my precious, dear, have I got a surprise coming for you. Hey, if you get tired of thing, just pass it on to me. It will look stunning under my sterling and xmas china!! ;)

Antonia Cornwell said...

That's really neat, in both senses of the word. You're brilliant!

QT said...

I am so proud of you - I could never do that. I can't wait to see Em's quilt!

I wonder, do you have any holiday place settings to go with this?

Jennifer said...

It's beautiful! I'd love to learn to quilt. Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

Well done.

All this craftiness gives me the itch to stitch. Is there a cream for that?

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful. I made a quilt, once. I'd love to make another, maybe when Katie's moved I'll have more time. I think if I was going off to college, I'd love to have something handmade by my mom. All my children have blankets on their beds that I've crocheted.

Lynn said...

The table runner is beautiful. Now all you need to do to complete your 'girly merit badge' is to go out and buy yourself a set of holiday dishes. lol

Princess in Galoshes said...

One of my best friends also got married this year, and her mom mailed all of her friends and family a square to decorate however they wanted, and then she quilted them together into this huge memory quilt for her shower. It was the coolest wedding gift I had ever seen.

I can imagine it would have been really comforting to have something similar to take to college, as well.

Andrea Frazer said...

Love the texture and the classic look of the quilt. Very Little House on the Praire. In a good way. Without Nellie Olsen and the scary clown episode.

Unknown said...

How awesome! I'm envious!

Would this be a bad time to mention that I know straight men who quilt?

luckyzmom said...

I am refraining from using the holiday dishes ribbing.

The tablerunner is fabulous.

My daughter quilted all kinds of tricky stuff for other people. A few years ago she promised me a lap quilt. I'm still waiting!

Wayfarer Scientista said...

Wow! Wonderful craftiness. I don't have the gene that enjoys activities with sewing needles but I admire it in others.

Platypus said...

That's beautiful! I have always admired quilting - and those who create such beautiful things. I hope you do manage to make one for Em - I'm sure it will remind her of you when she's away from home.

fiwa said...

That looks great. I really like the star square.

Lynnea said...

I'm duly impressed.

'You're a girl. You're a girl.' (said in a sing song kid snide tone)

Seriously that is so cool. And the quilt for Em is the coolest, something that she can snuggle into and think of home.

Dick said...

That runner looks good but did you forget to paint in the squares, etc. in the last one? You can probably tell that I don't do a lot of sewing.

Anonymous said...

Good work - I wish I could do something as nice as that.I am still remedial in my work!

meno said...

nancy, i look forward to sewing it onto my sash!

liv, uh oh, no good can come from this giggling. No way will you get my hard earned table runner.

antonia, turns out i am okay at quilting. That scares me.

qt, you just had to mention the dishes didn't you?

jennifer, well then, quit your job and get started. Easy for me to say huh?

de, thank you. I think you can ask your pharmacist about that cream. These days you don't even have to be embarrassed.

deb, i can't imagine how you would have time with katie to care for. But it might be something you could make for her in her new home.

lynn, no dishes, i have enough crap already. :)

princess, that is a wonderful idea. I'll have to include some cat memories on Em's blanket.

mamap, thank you! I never watched much L.H.o.t.P. But i get the idea.

andrea, you do not! Really? Mostly i prefer gay men, except for sex.

luckyzmom, go ahead and tease, everyone else did. :) You mihjt need to remind your daughter (nag).

wayfarer, i usually only like handsewing, but this was fun, like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

platypus, i hope i can manage it too. :)

fiwa, i like the star best too. :)

maggie, i know, my estrogen level must be sky-high right now.

dick, you are funny.

100 Thoughts of Love said...

Thats beautiful. I saved almost every outgrown t-shirt of my sons...sports jerseys, souvenier shirts, logo's etc...i want to do a quilt with a piece of each T incorporated into each square.

amusing said...

So, did you finish the ooordinating napkins yet?

Anonymous said...

Nothing, NOTHING is as cool or as meaningful as a hand-made present. I'm ashamed that it took me almost forty years to figure that out.

Jenn said...

It's beautiful!


Sienna said...

What Jenn said, double...it's so beautiful.


Mrs. Chili said...

Wowie! You're more girl than I am...

AC said...

The runner is really pretty! What a nice assortment of designs - I particularly like the bell.

Anonymous said...


Dress yourself in something pink, girly girl. Put on some high heels. Break out the boobs. You're it, the definition.

peevish said...

You've got way bigger ovaries than I.
I bow down to your feminine prowess.

meno said...

princess ex, this was the first quilting thing that i have done. Thank god it was small or i never would have finished.

pat, what a neat idea! When will you start?

amusing, hah! As if.

irrelephant, i agree with that. I look forward to making Em's quilt.

jenn, thank you!

pam, and thank you too!

mrs. chili. yes, i am. And don't you forget that either!

ac, thank you. It was from a book for a Christmas quilt.

capacious, if i put on high heels i would be 6'4" and would frighten even more small children than i do now.

peevish, yep, they are swingin' pretty large right now. :)

jaded said...

Damn Skippy! That's a fine piece of stitchery. I can sew se on a button, but beyond that I require the assistance of a staple gun and some wonder under.

It seems to be missing cat hair, but don't worry I'll send you some.

Unknown said...

I prefer gay men, except for sex, too! Since my sophmore year in high school, I've had at least one gay man in my short list of "best" friends.

egan said...

Color me very impressed. The stitching of the house is devine.

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

Wow, that's really good. I've thought about taking up quilting and then I think of all those needles and I get squeamish.

crazymumma said...

Quilting is such a stunning art form.

Anonymous said...

If there was a badge for this, you certainly earned it! Of course Em would want a quilt, its a fabulous idea.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Wow, that's gorgeous! And it's been a while since I stopped by, so I hadn't seen the new graphics on your blog - the banner made me laugh. LOL

TTQ said...

Yah but can you make girly girly cupcakes in animals and whatnot shapes??

meno said...

patches, don't you worry, there is plenty of cat hair on it.

andrea, me too. I am reverse prejudiced about gay men, i tend to want to like them right away.

egan, well thank you! I am rather impressed with myself too.

mrs. chicky, needles only bother me when they are being inserted into my body.

crazymumma, i am all excited now to get onto my next project.

my pool, my girl sash is empty other than this one merit badge. I flunked fashion and makeup.

lisa, ttq, who commented below you did it for me. Ain't she cool?

ttq, um, no, but i can make cupcakes that look like boobs. Does that count?

Bobealia... said...

Did you hand sew or machine sew? How long did it take? I want to make a quilt someday.

Tink said...

That is too cool! WHY wasn't I born with this talent?! It's just not fair. I can't sing. I can't sew. I'm not mechanically inclined. I suck at math. I'm going to go eat worms.

Carolyn said...

Wow, another quilter who reads FuriousBall's blog. I'm not alone! The table runner is gorgeous!

meno said...

bo, this is all machine sewn, even the quilting, which was hard on my tiny old machine. For Em's quilt, i will pay to have someone else do the quilting part. It didn't take more than maybe 12 hours to do all this. I'll probably get faster.

tink, you think i was born with this talent? HA! Practice practice practice. Isn't that annoying?

carolyn, well hi! This was/is my first thing i've ever made. Now i am all revved up to do more though.