Sunday, April 17, 2011

A cup of tea after my trip

Just got home from my weekend in Chicago with Em.

Yes, i cried when i saw her, and maybe a few other times, but we had a pretty good time and did some serious talking.  It was good.  She's an awesome person.  I did something right in my life.

My cat missed me,  poor dude.  He's a little desperate for attention.  Luckily a little cat food and some string action and he's entertained.

I'm still very up and down, honestly, mostly down to medium, but i am doing everything i know as aggressively as possible in order to move through this devastation of my former life.

Tonight, as i took the bus home from the airport (lookit me, all independent and shit) i actually got hungry for the first time in three weeks.  I stopped and got myself a burrito.  May not sound like much, but i am determined not to lose any more weight.  (How crazy does that sound?)  I know it's unhealthy and i must take good as good care of myself as a i can.

It was good too.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how much you can hurry grief but I am glad you had a good visit with your daughter.

Sending hugs.

Lynnea said...

From out here, you sound a little better. I'll take the burrito as proof positive. =)

De said...

I always stop for bean tacos when I need something to eat on the run - it's not easy to find "healthy" fast food.

We've always admired your parenting savvy, but I'm sure you've done lots of things "right" in addition to raising a lovely young woman. That sentence smacks of self-blame, and while even the most enlightened of us makes mistakes, we didn't do it in a vacuum.

I'm all for your forward focus.

Bob said...

one step at a time, eyes firmly focused on the horizon.

There will be a time for looking back, but that time isn't now.

It is also too soon to assign blame for the breakup. There is no way you can objectively assess what happened and your role in it.

so - one step at a time, eyes firmly focused on the horizon. concentrate on today and tomorrow - not yesterday.

Cat said...

"She's an awesome person."

I want to be able to say that about my daughter someday. More than I want anything else ever.

jaded said...

Of course it was good. And I bet the burrito was tasty too.

Clowncar said...

mmmm...doesn't get much better than airport burritos.

glad you are doing a little better. glad you saw em. glad you raised a good person, who is now returning the favor.

mischief said...

Good to hear that you rediscovered hunger. Feels kind of good, doesn't it? Taking care of yourself feels good too. There are lots of ways to do that; I recommend exploring some...

heartinsanfrancisco said...

It's wonderful news that your appetite for food is returning. Surely all your appetites will be close behind. There is freedom is being able to consider what YOU want to do every minute, and doing it. So glad your weekend with Em was just what you both needed. I think you're doing everything right, and it will only get better and better with time.

lu said...

I've nothing but admiration, and awe.
You Rock Meno, as always.
Love and all

Gina said...

I glad you are feeling (if only very slightly) better. I wish I could say something that would make you feel better, or make it easier, but I can't. But just know you have people thinking and caring about you.

luckyzmom said...

You are wonderful and deserving. Trust yourself. Listen to yourself breathe for a minute or two.