Sunday, April 10, 2011

The final cruelty

The soon-ex came over tonight, so we could finish up the taxes.  I learned two things.

1.) He's moved in to an apartment with his girlfriend. 


and this is actually worse,

2.) it's two blocks away from here.

I  can't even feel sad right now.  It has just driven home how little regard he has for me.

I think he's gone completely insane.  I don't know this man.  Although i really do.


fiwa said...

Two blocks - that is unbelievable. I'd like to kick some ass for you, please.

flutter said...

fuck. that's just...fuck.

Cheesy said...

Oh sweetheart~I have been absent way too long. All I have to offer you is a huge hug and a cove of quiet here in Oregon if you are down this way. [[[[meno]]]

Lynnea said...

I'm wondering if the high road includes egged cars and effigy burnings?

you're right, maybe not.

De said...

Oh. Oh, babe. I'm just tuning back in because I thought you'd gone offline. I am so sorry I haven't been right here for you, though I hope it helps to know that you have always been in my thoughts and heart and I was missing you. (I guess it's one of those pesky Virgo traits, to hang on to people you care about for ever.)

It sounds like you've got tons of really useful support, people who you can be real with, which is a life saver. It is a bumpy road, but you've got the right shoes.


Anonymous said...

That is tacky, although tacky doesn't begin to describe it. How about cheap, tasteless, nasty, sleazy, vulgar?

SUEB0B said...

Wow. That stinks. But it's a short run home for you if you go with the effigy burning as Lynnea suggested.

peevish said...

What an asshole. You deserve better. Better is out there somewhere. I feel sorry for his girlfriend.

nick said...

I think that's called Rubbing your nose in it. And Adding insult to injury.

Anonymous said...

That's just....inhumane. What kind of an asshole does one have to be to DO that to someone they spent half a lifetime with?

I'm so sorry you're dealing with this.


mischief said...

I think the fact he is being so self-centred demonstrates that he is not trying to get away from you, but from something in himself. And he won't be able to do that, not two blocks away and not on the other side of the world. He's stuck with him -- and you're not.

Bob said...

he could have kept his big mouth shut. that was low class and completely thoughtless.

my heart goes out to you.

Schmoopie said...

People can be so cruel. Is that where she lived already or did he choose to live near you on purpose? If he chose the location, he's completely f*#ked in the head.

Time to move to the west side of Seattle! I hear Alki is lovely.

SUEB0B said...

You know, I thought about this all day (I'm weird, I know). I just came back to say it isn't about you. He has his head so firmly up his own butt that he isn't even thinking about you at all. I know it sucks, but he's a selfish bastard and that's all.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Oh, God.
I don't think it's about not having any regard for you. He is acting out some kind of weird adolescent head trip and doesn't see anyone else because his eyes turn inward. I know that at some point, you will be unbelievably relieved not to be with him any longer, but inertia is very hard to overcome. His behavior should help greatly with that, though. And for the record, I don't feel sorry for his girlfriend - she knowingly got involved with a married man with a family. She deserves the misery she, too, will experience in the future.

Marshamlow said...

You are such a kind and wonderful person. You don't deserve to be treated this way. I think on the way we all know each other takes away the packaging and shows us who we really are. You really are a loving, witty, kind and very beautiful person. I know you will always be surrounded by many people who love you. Like moths attracted to the light people just gravitate toward you. When you imagine the future picture it full of laughter and lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Stay strong. My husband had his fling in his 40's. He was in love. Happy like he never had been. I begged him to stay. Couldn't he see that it was just infatuation? He stayed for the kids. We went to counseling. Ten years later 2 kids gone. One still at home. I am an empty shell. A black hole. Why wasn't I strong? I could be 10 years better by now.